Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 9) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
FEBRUARY GOLD PRODUCTION APPROACHES MILLION MARK Gold production from the four lode.~ and tzco placers under Marsman management totalled P956,917.23, frmn 48,583 tons of ore treated in the milling plantH. 237,500 cubic yards of gravel dredged b11 the Coco Grove dredgers, and 18,600 C7lbic yards handled by the dragline dredge of Mindanao Mining. Reduced production at ltogon u·as caused by temporary shutdowns necessitated by the installation of the new steel ore bin. The month's total was a substantial gain over the January figure, in spite of three clays of operation less because of the shorter month. Coco Grove had a good month, one dredger iuorking in pay g1Aound throughout the month, the other starting on it the niiddle of February. General conditions were good 1·n both Baguio and Paracale districts. Pro.{jpects for March are excellent, and the output should exceed the million-peso mark. ITOGON MINING COMP ANY During February I togon treated 25,184 tons of ore from which P277,531.38 was produced. Average recovery per ton was Pll.02, and extraction was 83 o/o. Capital development amounted to 2,553 feet, of which 766 feet were in ore;. operating development, 1,387 feet of which 808 feet were in ore; total development, 3,940 feet, of which 1,574 were in ore. The drop in tonnage delivered to the mill during February was caused by fae reduction in ore bin capacity occasioned bv the reconstruction of the main ore bin. It was found necessary to replace the old wooden bin with one of modern steel construction, of about 1,100 torn~ capacity. The Sesame shaft has been timbered to the 500 level, and the station sets are now being put in. The Idol claim is showing satisfactory ore values, and every effort will be made to have this ore mined before the wet season commences as, owing to its proximity to the surface, it may then be difficult to work. The two new Goodman locomotives have been put into operation in the 500 level, from which the old locomotive is being transferred to speed up tramming in the drain tunnel. Another good advance of 500 feet plus was made in the 875 drain tunnel. At the present rate of progress 'the connection with the main shaft should be made during the latter part of March. Tests are being run by the metallurgical staff with a view to improving the extraction. A new set of liners in No. 5 ball mill and the renewing of feed end liners in No. 3 ball mill comprised major repairs during the month. Construction work has been confined to the steel ore bin and to the making of foundations for new pumps being installed in the mill. During the month E. S. Geary, D. Van Eek, and L. Boomgaart joined the staff as mine shift bosses. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY February production at Suyoc Consolidated amounted to Pll0,062.41 from 5,602 tons of ore treated. Development work amounted to 722 feet of capital and 808 feet of operating advance. Production was below normal during the first half of the month because of a drop in extraction and consrquent lower tonnage. Some improvement was indicated in the second half when the new Wallace agitator went into operation. Metallurgical difficulties experienced 2 during the month, combined with the shorter month, reduced operating time and resulted in the lowering of output. Development footage is up to requirements in spite of the adverse working conditions encountered in a large percentage of the faces. 2001A. transfer raise is making good progress through wet caving ground. 2201A transfer raise is progressing very slowly because of excessive turnover of labor. (Continued on page 4) THE MARSMAN MAGAZl!'<E for March, 1938 Development of the 1800 level is very encouraging. The 1850 crosscut East has been opened up, and a small streak of ore cut that will probably prove commercial in the west wall from the regular ore-producing features. The raises 1844A, 1842A east and 1842B and 18242 north drift all show normal widths and good values. On the 1600 level 16154 south and north are showing encouraging symptoms as are the 1554 crosscut west and the 1560 crosscut on the 1500 level. Above the 1400 level in the 60 block, ore has been encountered slightly above normal grade, width, and lateral continuity. UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale treated 8,330 tons of ore during February, from which P190,896.90 was produced. Recovered value was P22.91 per ton, and extraction was 88.97%. During the month the Rocky Mountain group of claims belonging to the Northern Mining and Development Company, which adjoin the United Paracale property, were purchased by United Paracale. Consequently production from the Rocky Mountain Group is included in the total output and will not be given as a separate item as has been the practice. Development work amounted to 1,943 feet, of which 384 feet or 19.8 % were in ore. Capital development was 1,610 feet, 324 feet of that being in ore; operating development was 333 feet, of which 60 feet were in ore. No. I ball mill was shut down from the morning of February 1 to the morning of February 3 during which time a complete liner change was made, the trunion bearings overhauled re-babbited, and a complete overhauling of the 8-foot Dorr bowl classifier was effected. The construction of the 112 mile extension of the Haliguing Bato Road to the Jeff No. 6 tunnel was started during the month. 4 SAN MAURICIO MINING COMP ANY San Mauricio treated 8,417 tons of ore during February, with a total production of P195,326.65. Head values were P23.94 per ton, and extraction was 91%. Development footage was 1,427 feet at the San Mauricio, Santa Monica and Santa Ana mines. Of this advance 590 feet were in ore. The Tacoma section of San Mauricio mine continues to show. good results. The Tacoma No. 2 and Tacoma No. 3 veins were cut by the 1495 east crosscut on the 300 level. The No. 2 vein was 3 feet wide and the No. 3 vein was 7 feet wide. Drifting on the 300 level at the Santa Ana mine continues to show ore. Raises 100 north and 100 south have been started. A shaft station is being cut on the 150 level. The vein will be cut on this level early in March. The drainage adit was driven 190 feet, and the ground continues to be loose and slippery. The ore pocket on the 500 level is 50 o/o completed. Mechanical work on setting up the new hoist is practically completed, and only the electrical work remains to be done. The electrical work on the installation of the Sullivan compressor has been completed. A small ore bin has been built at Santa Ana. The Santa Ana road has been surfaced and is in good condition. PHILIPPINE SMELTING COMPANY The blast furnace at the Philippine Smelting Company operated 100% of total time, and during February 1,185.1865 tons of concentrate as sinter were smelted. Gold-bearing matte produced amounted to 141.567 tons, and about 1.5 tons of copper bullion also resulted from the month's activities. On February 17 a shipment of 81.144 tons of matte was made to the States. Included in the tonnage treated is 51.8965 tons of custom concentrates from another plant in the district. Roy Smith arrived during the month to joiR the smelter staff. THE MARS MAN MAGAZINE for March, 1938