Suyoc 1937 Balance Sheet


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc 1937 Balance Sheet
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY BALANCE SHEET As at 31st December, 1937 CURRENT LIABILITIES: LIABILITIES Cash on Hand and in Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 127,088.14 Accounts Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . P 51.234.!J6 Bank Advances Against Bullion and Concentrate Accounts .Receivable ...... ., . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. 17,741.35 Bullion and Concentrate in Transit ............... . Bullion and Concentrate on Hand ................ . Machinery Parts and Supplies ................... . 175,465.10 58,667.68 273,865.78 p 652,828.05 Shipments .................. ·. · · · · · ·.· ·. · · · · · · · Accrued Payrolls ..................... · ... · · . · · · · · · · Accrued Expenses .................... · · ·. · . · · · · · · · · Accrued Taxes ..................... · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · 157,918.60 10,68:1.16 l.!:141.79 5,86:1.4() Dividends Payable ........................... · · · · · 125.000.00 r 352,fi4 l.9';' FIXED ASSETS: Mine and Mining Properties ........ . Add--Development t10 Date ......... . p 493,986.57 745,313.58 Pl,239,299.15 Less-Reserve for Ore Depletion . . . .. 36,000.00 fl,20:l,291!.15 Buildings ..................•.. , ...... . Mine Machinery and Equipment .... . Mill Machinery and Equipment ..... . Ass.ay Office Machinery and Equipment Powerhouse Machinery and Equipment Carpenter and Blacksmith Shops Machinery and Equipment .......... , . Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment , . Light, Water and Power Systems .. . Furniture and Fixtures ............ . Roads, Trails and Bridges ......... . Lens-Reserve for Depreciation DEFERRED ASSETS : f' 420,258,92 279,980.59 417,546.53 12,980.02 326,611. 70 33,029.32 99,938.63 13,275.96 19,950.47 181,042.'73 Pl,804, 613.87 486,858.68 l,317,755.19 Prepaid Charges .. , , ..... , , ................................... . 2,521,054.34 8,343.55 P3,182,225.94 UESERVE: Income Tax ···················································· lG,751.18 NET WORTH: CapitalAuthorized12,500,000 Shares at lOc each ........... . lsxued and Sub.~cril>ed12,500,000 Shares at lOc each Fully Paid .. 3urplusAs at 1st January, 1937 Net Profit for Year 11!37 /,e.~s--Dividend Declar€d and Payable 15th January 1938 ..... . r 210,568.68 279, 186.32 p 489,755.00 125,000.00 Stocf~ Premium .............................. . There is a contingent liability for Machinery Part; and Supplies ordered under Irrevocable Letter of Credit amounting to P22,200.00. Pl,250,000.00 ==-==-=.::...:..:.... .. _ Pl,250,000.00 :l64,7 55.00 1,198,077.71! 2,812.8:~2.7!) f'3,l 82,225.94