Philippine Safety Council


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine Safety Council
Tenny, Frank S.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXX (Issue No. 6) June 1954
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
June, 1954 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 245 Philippine Safety Council By Frank S. Tenny Founder and Executive Director PROJECTS and programs for the year 1954-55 were formulated recently, but can hardly be adequately reported in this one article. In general, current safety activities comprising the “national safety movement” are much more concrete and specific in nature, as compared to a necessary tendency in the past toward generalization. Some examples follow. The Board has definitely decided that more persons, as individuals, should be active in the safety campaign. Many readers of the Journal will be approached soon with a suggestion to join the Council. Several committees are being formed, and one will no doubt fit your “pet safety peeve.” Favorable response is hoped for. President Magsaysay has formed a “Presidential MVO Committee” which is now meeting to (1) revamp the Motor Vehicles Office and (2) prepare needed amendments to the Motor Vehicles Law (Act 3992). The Council is work­ ing in very close liaison with this group. This situation is a most happy one for the Council, after several years of frustration and difficulty with the past MVO administra­ tion. In a nutshell, the Council wishes to see more strict testing and examinations for both drivers and vehicles before licensing. Full support will be given the program of the Pres­ ident’s Fire Prevention Board, headed by Hon. Alfredo Eugenio. Current projects include such items as a more strict arson law, volunteer fire departments in communities, fire brigades in specific places and compounds, and public education on fire-prevention matters. The Council is cheered by the strict enforcement program now being applied by Labor Secretary Eleuterio Adevoso against industrial establishments which have not obeyed various basic safety regulations. Vast improve­ ments can no "doubt be expected soon in this field. Again, this is an example of the “new look in safety” that is per­ vading the Government. The outlook is also brighter in the “security-guard” and plant-protection field. Proper screening and training of guards, as well as efficient supervision, is gradually taking root. Improvements are constantly being made and noted. A recent PSC Board meeting included 23 separate project items on the agenda. Most of them are underway now. Great progress has been made, especially this year. Hopes are bright for improved safety conditions for the first time since the war. The cooperation of all Chamber members is requested in connection with safety. You are asked to ascertain that your Company Safety Committee is properly functioning, according to law. Conduct careful inspections for present or potential fire hazards. Maintain close discipline over your drivers. Pay more attention to the efficiency of your guard force which, at night, is also your primary defense against fire as well as theft. The Council will gladly help you in these and other matters on request. 2147 Azcarraga Telephone 3-25-19 METROPOLITAN INVESTIGATIVE AGENCY, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INC.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PILFERAGE AND ARSON INVESTIGATIONS LIE DETECTOR TESTS-DOCUMENT ANALYSIS JOHN E. CURTIN, GEN. MGR. THE ROUTE OF THE BEARS Serving THE PHILIPPINES JAPAN HONGKONG U S. WEST COAST PORTS FAST - REGULAR - DEPENDABLE UNITED STATES LINES, INC. GENERAL AGENTS 133601 33602 33603 33604 PORT AREA MANILA PASIG RIVER BODEGAS GENERAL BONDED WAREHOUSES ¥ SOUTHWESTERN SUGAR & MOLASSES CO. (FAR EAST), INC. MOLASSES BUYER 145 Muelle de Binondo Tel. 2-63-10