Cost of living index (1935-1954)


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Cost of living index (1935-1954)
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXX (Issue No. 6) June 1954
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
246 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL June, 1954 In RUBBER STAMPS There’s No Substitute for Quality WE MAKE RUBBER STAMPS of the highest quality for all requirements. COST OF LIVING PRICE INDEX FOR WAGE EARNERS’ FAMILIES IN MANILA, BY YEAR AND MONTH, 1935-1954 (1941 = 100) They corn? in the most accepted forms and styles of type. FLYING CONTROL reduces and gives nd With IGNITION CONTROL COMPOUND a Product of the Ethyl Corp. IGNITION COMPOUND power waste more mileage greater power at extra cost. VEEDOL MOTOR OIL Developed for use ilh gasolines conlining additives, new and improved Vecdol Oil is made of the finest selected crudes... keeps your engine cleaner . . . fights metal-eating acids ... makes your engine last longer. TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Bureau of the Census and Statistics Year and Month All (100) Food (63.43) House Rent (11.96) Cloth­ ing (2.04) Fuel, Light and Water (7.73) Miscel­ laneous (14.84) ing Power 1935........ 89 .7 89 .7 96.4 851.7 85.1 90.2 1.1148 1936........ 87.4 88.3 96.6 88.4 77.5 87.7 1.1442 1937.......... 88.8 88.3 96 .4 88.21 85.2 89.5 1.1261 1938.......... 92 .1 92..1 96 .8 92.2 88.8 92.5 1.0858 1939.......... 93 .2 94 .8 97 .7 94.8; 84.3 92.9 1.0730 1940.......... 97.3 98.9 98.9 99.0' 89.9 96.7 1.0277 1941.......... .... 100.0 100. 0 100 .0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.0000 1945.......... .... 691 .5 834.3 236.4 1448.4 379.1 650.9 0.1446 1946.......... .... 521 .7 649.4 236.4 649.7 348.2 383.3 0.1917 1947.......... .... 387 .2 415.4 453.9 256 .8 310.0 272.2 0.2583 1948.......... .... 364 .2 386.1 453 .9 208.4 288.9 259.1 0.2746 1949........... .... 343.7 357. 9 453 .9 198.4 272.9 251.1 0.2910 1950.......... 332.9 333 .7 453 .9 270.7 252.0 282.8 0.3004 January............ . 332. 3 336. 8 453.! 238. 0 253.1 269.1 0.3009 February.......... . 335.3 340. 2 453.!) 233. 3 257.8 273.0 0.2982 March ............. . 336.6 341. 4 453.!9 236.7 257.8 276.6 0.2971 April.................. . 329.1 328.6 453.!9 237. 7 252.9 283.1 0.3039 May.................. . 317. 4 308. 6 453.9 244. 7 249.7 290.4 0.3151 June.................. . 319.3 310.'9 453.9 243. 5 249.7 293.5 0.3132 July................... . 326.3 322. 4 453.9 252. 6 249.7 290.4 0.3065 August.............. . 327.3 325. 9 453.!9 258. 7 251.1 280.2 0.3055 September . . . . . 334.2 335. 0 453.!9 317. 4 252.5 279.4 0.2992 October............ . 345. 5 351. 453.!9 337. 3 249.7 285.4 0.2894 November. . . . 346. 7 353. 2 453.!9 322. 8 249.7 286.6 0.2884 December........ . 344.9 350. 5 453.!9 325. 2 249.7 285.7 0.2899 1951.......... . 352. 6 361. 5 453.!9 365.3 248.0 285.7 0.2836 January............ . 347. 9 355.'0 453.!9 331. 5 249.7 285.6 0.2874 February . 351. 7 359.8 453.!9 342. 8 249.7 289.0 0.2843 March............... . 346. 4 349.3 453.!9 379.4 248.8 293.6 0.2887 April.................. . 355.3 362.i6 453.!9 398. 6 247.5 294.6 0.2815 May.................. . 359. 2 367. 0 453.9 410.4 247.5 300.6 0.2784 June.................. . 360. 5 372. 2 453.!9 399.5 247.5 288.5 0.2774 July................... . 359. 0 370. 1 453.9 382. 0 247.5 290.2 0.2786 August.............. . 357. 8 371.4 453.!9 354. 0 247.5 280.0 0.2795 September. . . . . 356. 1 369.0 453.!9 356. 4 247.5 279.0 0.2808 October............ . 351. 0 361. 1 453.!9 350. 4 247.5 279.0 0.2845 November. . . . . 344. 1 351.:1 453.9 343.1B 247.5 275.8 0.2906 December........ . 341. 9 348.9 453.!9 335. 2 247.5 272.1 0.2925 1952.......... . 339. 4 347.'4 453.9 295.!9 244.1 268.4 0.2946 January ............ . 342. 8 350.9 453.!9 330.8 247.5 269.7 0.2917 February ......... . 341. 2 349J8 453.!9 311. 2 243.4 268.5 0.2931 March............... . 337. 9 345. 1 453.9 301. 1 243.4 268.1 0.2959 April................. . 335. 9 342. 7 453.9 300.7 243.4 264.6 0.2977 May.................. . 335. 1 341. 8 453.!9 293. 2 243.4 264.4 0.2984 June.................. . 338. 1 346.3 453.!9 290.2 243.4 265.5 0.2958 July................... . 340. 4 349. 5 453.9 286.6 243.4 268.1 0.2938 August............. . 340.7 349.4 453.!9 289.1 243.4 269.9 0.2935 September. . . 341. 1 350.0 453.9 287.7 243.4 270.7 0.2932 October............ . 337. 6 344.6 453.9 289.3 243.4 269.4 0.2962 November. . . . 340. 5 349. 3 453.!9 286.2 243.4 269.8 0.2937 December........ . 340. 9 348.9 453.!9 284.4 247.5 272.3 0.2933 1953.......... 318.2 314.3 453.!9 280. 1 243.7 269.5 0.3143 January ........... . 337. 3 343. 2 453.!9 283. 7 247.4 272.4 0.2965 February ......... . 323. 0 321. 1 453.!9 281. 5 243.4 273.0 0.3096 March............... . 318. 6 314.3 453.!9 281. 5 243.4 272.4 0.3139 April................. . 317. 6 312. 8 453.9 281. 1 243.4 272.2 0.3149 May.................. . 314.3 307. 8 • 453.!9 280.9 243.4 271.1 0.3182 June.................. . 313. 1 306. 0 453.!9 277.8 243.4 271.1 0.3194 July................... . 316.0 311. 0 453.0 277.8 243.4 269.5 0.3165 August............. . 316.1 311. 9 453.!9 277. 8 243.4 266.4 0.3164 September . . . . 315. 8 311. 6 453.!9 277. 8 243.4 265.6 0.3167 October............ . 315. 3 310.6 453.9 279.0 243.4 266.4 0.3172 November . .. . . 315.2 310. 1 453.9 280.9 243.4 267.0 0.3173 December........ . 315. 5 310.7 453.!9 280.9 243.4 267.0 0.3170 1954............. January ........... . 311. 7 304.7 453.9 279.3 243.4 267.0 0.3208 February ......... . 301. 5 290.0 453.9 278.3 232.1 267.0 0.3317 March............. . 301. 1 289.15 453.!9 274.9 232.1 267.0 0.3321 April............... . 302.'9 292 :5 453.9 272.2 232.1 [266.8 0.3301 May.................. . 309. 7 302.15 453. S) 272.!2 235.7 266.5 0.3229 NOTE: Miscellaneous was revised from 1950 to May 1953 and clothing from February 1952 to May 1953.