San Mauricio 1937 Balance Sheet


Part of The Marsman Magazine

San Mauricio 1937 Balance Sheet
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 9) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash on Hand and in Bank ...................... . Accounts Receivable .............. " .............. . Bullion and Concentrates on Hand and in Transit ..• Machinery Parts and Supplies ............... · .. · • FIXED ASSETS: Mine and Mining Properties ........ . Land Leases ........................ . Development to Date .............. . Buildings Mine Machinery and Equipment ..... . Mill Machinery and Equipment ..... . Assay Office Machinery and Equipment Powerhouse Machinery and Equipment 'Carpentel' and Blacksmith Shops, Machinery and Equipment ........ . Power, Light and Water Systems Miscellaneous Equipment .......... . Furniture and Fixtures ............ . Roads, Trails and Bridges .......... . Less-Reserve for Depreciation INVESTMENT: p 322,234.46 71.28 815,689.90 p 291,843.35 275,714.07 240,785.98 10,621.87 346,958.90 33,994.85 102,129.44 65,528.48 35,771.79 47,364.83 -Pl,450,613.56 378,674.01 SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY BALANCE SHEET A~ at 31st December, 1937 p 34,931.40 2,320.25 319,227.62 236,275.96 p 592,755.23 Pl,137,995.63 LIABILJT,IES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Marsman & Company, Inc. . ..................... . Marsman Trading Corporation ................... . Accounts Payable ............................. ._ .. Bank Advances Against Bullion & Concentrate Shipments ..................................... . Bills Payable (Guaranteed and Interest Paid by Marsman Trading Corporation) ............... . Accrued Taxes .................................•.. Accrued Expenses (Production Marketing) ....... . RESERVE: p 691,467.81 191,506.69 57,870.63 149,566.54 200.000.00 15,450.90 44,205.49 Pl,360,068.06 Income Tax ....................................... · ._. · ··· ··· · · · · · · 22,576.09 1,071,939.55 2,209,935.18 NE'I'l WORTH: Capital Authorized8,000,000 shares of toe each . . . . . . P 800,000.00 Issued and; Subscribed8,000,000 shares• of lOc each fully paid . . . . . . . . . . . . P 800,000.00 SurplusBalance as at 1st January, 1937 . . . P 363,962.97 Add-Prior Years Adjustments during 1937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.920.08 Add-Net Profit for the Year 1937 .. p 368,883.05 371,348.03 740,231.08 1,540,231.08 Philippine Smelting Company ....................... · ... · · · · · · · · 100,000.00 Thel'e is a contingent liability for Machinery Parts and Supplies ordered under Irrevocable Letter of Credit amountdng to Pll0,400.00. DEFERRED ASSETS: Prepaid C'harges ......................... " ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -.· · 10,184.82 P2,912,875.23 P2,912,8'75.23