United States Agencies in the Philippines


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

United States Agencies in the Philippines
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No.5) May 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
May, 1948 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 181 Hall Philippines, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the American Legion, and several other entities concerned with public safety has all been intensified. Results of this effort has been the cause of excellent publicity in local newspapers, magazines, and over the radio. YOUR SECURITY SEAL! United States Government Agencies in the Philippines From an Official Source REPRESENTING the President of the United States and the Department of State: American Embassy: Chancery, Dewey Boulevard. Tel. 2-69-01; Emmet O’Neal, Ambassador (absent); Thomas H. Lockett, Charge d’Affaires ad interim. /"Operating as integral parts of the Embassy— Consular Section: Chancery Compound, Dewey Blvd; Tel. 2-69-01; Ernest E. Evans, Consul in Charge. United States Information Service: Chancery; Tel. 2-69-01; James L. Meader (Public Affairs Officer) in charge. 'T'he Armed Forces operating under agreements with the Republic of the Philippines— United States Army: Philippine University Area, Quezon City; Tel. Univ. 6; Maj. Gen. George F. Moore, Commanding General. United States Air Force: Clark Field; Tel. Clark 6; Maj. Gen. E. L. Eubank, Commanding 13th Air Force. Joint Military Advisory Group to the Republic of the Philippines: Timog & Sampaloc Sts., Quezon City; Tel. 6-87-47; Maj. Gen. A. M. Jones, Chief of the Advisory Group. United States Navy: Sangley Point, Cavite; Tel. Sangley 484, Rear Adm. R. W. Christie, Commander Naval Forces Philippines. United States Coast Guard: Sangley Point, Cavite; Tel. Sangley 217; Lt. Walter Curmen, Commanding Officer. United States Corps of Engineers: Manila Dis­ trict, Clark Field; Tel. Maned 6; Col. Clarence Renshaw, CE, District Engineer. Manila Sub-Office, F. B. Harrison at Ortigas Sts.; Tel. Maned 7; Lt. Col. Erland A. Tillman, Officer- in-Charge. "D ehabilitation Agencies operating under the general supervision of the American Embassy— Civil Aeronautics Administration (U.S. Dept, of' Commerce): International Airport; Tel. 5-12-82; Chandler B. Griggs, Airways Engineer in Charge. FOR RE-WINDING OF GENERATORS — MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170-2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85 THE PHILIPPINE GUARANTY CO. FIRE, MARINE, MOTOR CAR, WORKMEN’S COM­ PENSATION, MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE, FIDELITY, SURETY BONDS, MORTGAGE 3rd Floor • Insular Life Bldg. • Plaza Cervantes MANILA Telephone 2-81-12 Pumping elements in Western Pumps are designed to give highest efficiencies and long life .... and have established remarkable efficiency records. Built in 11 sizes to meet all pumping requirements. Exclusive Representatives PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY Moserco Building 111, 13th Street, Port Area, Manila Telephones 2-69-56 & 2-69-57 182 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL May, 1948 SILVER AND. JAVA PACIFIC LINES SILVER LINE, LTD. ’ London, E. C. 2 KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. General Agents 17 Battery Place New York JAVA PACIFIC LINE N. V. S.M. “Nederland” N. V. Rotterdamsche Lloyd Amsterdam —Rotterdam JAVA PACIFIC LINE, INC. General Agents 25 Broadway New York MANILA VANCOUVER ILOILO To and From SEATTLE CEBU PORTLAND LOS ANGELES AND SAN FRANCISCO and To and From BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA SILVER LINE, LTD. KERR STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC., GENERAL AGENTS 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y. FROM U. S. ATLANTIC COAST PORTS T O MANILA FROM PHILIPPINES T O IIALIFAX AND U. S. ATLANTIC COAST PORTS For Particulars See: ROOSEVELT STEAMSHIP AGENCY, INC. AGENTS 3rd Floor, Trade & Commerce Bldg., Juan Luna Tel. 2-82-01 SUPERIOR GAS & EQUIPMENT COMPANY MANUFACTURERS * MANUFACTURERS’ REPRESENTATIVES EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OF “NATIONAL” CARRIDE and WELDING EQUIPMENTS AND SUPPLIES S U G E G O soi’’ Highest Purity ?fO^ce OXYGEN and ACETYLENE Gases For All Welding Purposes HYDROGEN Gas for Balloons CARBON DIOXIDE Gas (CO) DIAL 6-88-02 WE DELIVER „ .• “Superflame” Bottled Gas ’ FOR ALL COOKING PURPOSES “Tappan” Gas Stoves WITH COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS AND SERVICE FACILITIES Coast and Geodetic Survey (U.S. Dept, of Com merce): Philippine Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey. Oracea Bldg.; Tel. 2-66-06; Lt. Comdr. Charles Pierce, Director Manila Coast Surveys. Corps of Engineers (U.S. War Dept.): In respect to rehabilitation of ports and harbors. See "Armed Forces”. Fish and Wild Life Service (U.S. Dept, of the In­ terior) : Office Quonset No. 2, Chancery Compound, Dewey Blvd.; H. W. Terhune, Administrator. Maritime Commission: 'In respect to rehabilita­ tion of inter-island commerce. See "Establishments ope­ rating under specific statutory provisions.” Public Health Service (U.S. Social Security Adminis­ tration): Old Museum Bldg., north of Manila Hotel, Port Area; Tel. 2-69-16; Brig. Gen. Howard F. * €>mith, Officer in Charge. Public Roa'ds Administration (U.S. Federal Works Agency): Philippine Bureau of Public Works, Post Office Bldg.; Tel. 2-67-91; F. C. Turner, Division Engineer in Charge. War Damage Commission: In respect to com­ pensation for damage to public property. See "Establish­ ments operating under specific statutory provisions.” Weather Bureau (U.S. Dept, of Commerce): Marsman Bldg., Port Area; Tel. 2-69-26; Foster V. Jones, Meteorologist-in-Charge. Tj'stablishments operating under specific statutory provisions—, Bureau of Employee’s Compensation, Federal Security Agency: c/o Claims Service, Philrycom Bldg. T-714 Balara Road, Philippine University Area; Tel. Univ. 207; Joseph Gelfo, Deputy Commissioner. Foreign Liquidation Commission (U. S. Dept, of State): Chancery Compound; Tel. 2-69-01; James A. McConnell, Central Field Commissioner for Pacific and China. * Maritime Commission: Myers Building, Port Area; Tel. 4-87-75; R. R. Spence, Regional Director. (Also a Re­ habilitation Agency.) Philippine Alien Property Administration: No. 5 Cortabitarte and Dewey Blvd; Tels. 5-19-22 & 5-19-23; Westley W. Silvian, Acting Deputy Administrator. (James Mcl. Henderson, Administrator, Absent) Veterans Administration: Veterans’ Administra­ tion Building, Escolta 8b David Sts.; Tel. 2-79-91; Brig. Gen. Ralph B. Lovett, Manager. War Damage Commission: Arroceros St. at Quezon • Bridge; Tel. 2-98-61; Francisco A. Delgado, John O’Donnell, Frank A. Waring (Chairmdn), Commissioners. (Also a Rehabilitation Agency). MOTOR SERVICE CO., INC. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS • ACCESSORIES GARAGE & SHOP EQUIPMENT BATTERIES • TIRES • TUBES 230 I3 * h ST., PORT AREA TEL. 2-65-27