Marsman Mangani Operation, Sumatra


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman Mangani Operation, Sumatra
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 9) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
This property is situated 50 kilometers north of Fort de K9ck, a picturesque mountain city on the Sumatra's Westkust. A good auto-road was built to the mine during former operations by Equator Mining Company, permitting easy access to the property. Although located right on the equator line, the camp has an elevation of over 1000 meters above sea and enjoys a cool, invigorating climate very much like that of the Baguio City. Early development work was started in 1912 and two important ore bodies were eventually brought into production, which continued as late as 1931, when the mine was shut down, having produced 23 million guilders in gold and silver. The mine remained dormant until Marsman interests took an option on the property early in 1937 and a new program of development work was started. General View of the Mangani Mine Marsman Mangani Ope Several veins were known to exist on the property and were superficially prospected during former operations. However, no extensive development program was ever launched to prospect in depth, with the result that when known reserves were exhausted, the mine was shut down, leaving these potential ore bodies intact. Our present development program started with a careful geological survey of the property to relocate and to tie-in all known veins and other geological features of importance. Extensive sampling was undertaken next, and sufficient data were soon gathered and systematized to outline the most advantageous program of diamond drilling. Personnel and equipment were shipped from Manila a year ago and diamond drilling was in progress continuously since then, with very satisfactory results. COMPLETE LINES OF STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES • LIQUORS &z WINES ST ATES FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES DIRECT IMPORTERS AMERICAN GROCERY 217-19 Echague Tels. 2-16-14-2-16-15 24 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, 1938 of th~ Ma' Mill msmantleu rn l Yu z ~tion, Sumatra, N. E. I. Concurrently with deep diamond drilling a comprehensive program of underground development work has been carried on continuously in a number of headings on several veins, likewise with good results. Physical characteristics of the property are generally very favorable. In addition to the already existing good road, there are three hydro-electric power plants, one of which is in use and the other two ready for operation capable of delivering 1000 KVA. Much other mine equipment and electrical equipment is stored on the property. This includes mine hoists, cables, cars and vails, crushers, ball-mills, a number of electric motors and transformers, much of the machine shop equipment, and saw mill. Many of the buildings on the property are quite serviceable; among those in use are large bodegas, garage, mine office, hospital, assay-building, store, three residential cottages and two large coolie-lines for laborers. Pre.sent staff consists of an American Mining Engineer in charge, a Dutch geologist, 4 Canadian diamond drillers, two German mine shift-bosses, and one Filipino surveyor. Recently a large representative bulk sample of the ore arrived in Manila for metallurgical test work, with a view of working out a suitable flow sheet. Mr. James E. Atkinson, who has been in immediate charge of recent development on the property has arrived in Manila to discuss future development work and matters pertaining to installation of the mill on the property. He expects to return to Sumatra in the near future. I. BECK, INC. Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail & Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. Toys. Send for Catalogue For Reference ask any old Mining Man THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, 1938 25