Coco Grove 1937 Balance Sheet


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove 1937 Balance Sheet
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 9) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash on Hand and in Bank ......... · . . . . . . . . . . . P Accounts Receivable . ., ............................ . Special Consignment Account ................... . Insurance Claim .Receivable ...................... . 5,672.31 3,102.15 19,276. 70 37,776.45 COCO GROVE, INC. BALANCE SHEET As at 3ht De~ember, 1937 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accoonts Payable ................................. . Advanc('s-Marsman & Co., Inc .................. . Marsman Trading Corporation .................... . Machinery Parts and Supplies .................. . 96,657 .62 p 162,485.23 Notes Payable ................................... . Bills Payable ..................................... . FIXED ASSETS: Cap.ital Development .................... , ....... . Land Leases ..................................... . Dredge No. 1 (Mary Angus) ........ . 1"631,265.49 Add--Cost of ercBtion and installafl,701,578.41 202.14 ti on 122,035.49 p 753,300.98 Dredge No. 2 (Anne Petronella) . . . . . . P606,248.ll AdcJ--C'*t of erection and!ation 117,687.21 car:ip Buildings ................................. . Flo~ting Equipment ................ · .............. . Slipway Construction ............................ . "Light and Power ln«te.llation .................... . 723,935.32 1, 701,780.55 Guaranty Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Chapa Deposits ................................... . Unclaimed Wages ................................ . NET WORTH: Capital11.iithorized, 111.~ucd and Suf1.,cribcd-- - 15,000,000 shares of lOc each ............ . Stock Prcm'iu!n Ded11.ct--Deficit as at 31st December, 1936 . . . . . . . . . . . . I" 664,212.94 Lc1111f 58,150.57 144,602.55 17 ,268.30 ::00,000.00 11,795.00 500.00 378.00 7 40.06 p 533,431.48 Pl ,500,000.00 2,2l50,000.00 l"3, 750,000.00 Roads, Trails and Bridges ...................... . 66,645.06 2,044.11 4,463.58 154,124.18 4,942.57 3,038.31 11.040.15 Credits to Deficit- in 1937 2,829.17 661,383. 77 3,088,616.23 Tools and Engineering Equipment ............... . Water Supply Installatfon ...................... . Blacksmith Shop Building ....................... . Blacksmith Shop Machinery and Equipment ...... . Wharf Construction ............................. . Hospital and Schoolhouse ............ ,,, .......... . Miscellaneous Equipment ........................ . Furniture and Fixtures ......................... . 9,863.68 24,135.21 2,457.88 14,789.64 83,536.55 14,622.41 l"l,872,939.63 Less-Reserve for Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120,984.11 1, 751,955.52 DEFERRED CllARGES ............................................. . 5,829.41 1"3,622,050. 71 There is a contingent liability for Machinery Parts and Supplie,; ordered under Irrevocable Letter of C'redit amounting to ........................... f'lOl,694.00 P3,622,050. 71