Let's get acquainted by Bernard W. Mason


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Let's get acquainted by Bernard W. Mason
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 9) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Let's Get Acquainted Bernard W. Mason 32 LET'S GET ACQUAINTED Outstanding among financial figures of London is Bernard W. Mason, Managing Director of the Hollybush Trust Limited and of Lairds Securities Limited. It was through the efforts of Mr. Mason, working in cooperation with Mr. Marsman, that the shares of Marsman Investments Limited were introduced to the London Stock Exchange in April 1935. Mr. Mason is chairman of the London committee of lVIarsman Investments, and he arrived in Manila early in February. Mr. Mason was born at Northfleet, Kent, England, and received his early education at the Colfe Grammar School and Westminister School, London. He entered the international banking firm of Lazard Brothers and Company Ltd. in 1914, and started his financial training there. The World War interrupted his career for a time : he joined the British Army in 1916, was invalided home in 1918, and after the war rejoined this firm and remained with them for a considerable time. During his affiliation with Lazard Brothers he served in the accounting department, secretariat, and passed through all the various departments thus gaining a thorough insight of international banking practice. For a period he served as chief cashier and had control of the firm's dealings with the London Discount Market, and finally was joint manager of the securities department. At a later date Mr. Mason formed the Hollybush Trust Limited, and from its inception has been Managing DirecTHE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, 1938 tor, acting in a similar capacity for Lairds Securities Limited, both being important investment trusts. The Trust has been responsible for several successful public issues, including the introduction of the shares of Marsman Investments Limited to the London Stock Exchange. This action followed a visit to London of Mr. Marsman during which he interested Mr. Mason in active participation in Philippine mining activities. Associated with the Hollybush Trust was Capel-Cure and Terry, old established London Stockbrokers, who acted as brokers to this issue. The offices of the Hollybush Trust at 149 Leadenhall Street, London, E. E. 3, are also the European headquarters of Marsman and Company, Inc., and Marsman Hongkong China .apart from being the registered offices of Marsman Investments Ltd. During his visit to the Philippines Mr. Mason has visited the various mining operations of the organization, and has expressed himself as being much surprised at the wide extent and modern technique of mining in the Islands, and as being favorably impressed by the achievements of the various Marsman-managed projects. Mr. and Mrs. Mason had planned on leaving Manila about the end of March to return to London by way of the United States, but important business has caused a change of plans and after a short visit to Hongkong to get acquainted with the activities of the Marsman Hongkong China Company they planned to fly back direct to England. 33