

Part of The Marsman Magazine

The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 9) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDITORIAL RENEWED INTEREST A most encouraging indication for the future of mining in the Philippines has been the interest shown recently in the details of mining and milling operations. During the boom days of the past few years, altogether too much attention was paid to the speculative possibilities of a mining venture, and too little to its potentialities as a producer. The attendance at all of the annual meetings of the Marsman-managed companies this year was excellent. Most significant was the fact that at every meeting a majority of those present came from the ranks of the stockbrokers and traders of Manila. For the most part, each broker represented a number of stockholders who were unable, for one reason or another, to be Table Of Contents Marsman Operating Costs .......... . February Gold Production Approaches Million Mark .................... . ltogon Mining Company ........... . Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company .. United Paracale Mining Company ... . San Mauricio Mining Company ..... . Philippine Smelting Company ....... . Gumaos Goldfields, Inc. . ............ . Acoje Mining Company ............. . Coco Grove, Inc. . .................. . Paracale National Gold Mining Company ........................... . Itogon Annual Meeting ............. . Itogon 1937 Balance Sheet ........... . Itogon 1937 Operating Account ..... . Suyoc Consolidated Annual Meeting .. Suyoc 1937 Balance Sheet ........... . Suyoc 1937 Operating Account ....... . Mindanao Mining Company ......... . San Mauricio Annual Meeting ....... . San Mauricio 1937 Balance Sheet ... . San Mauricio 1937 Operating Account Netherlands East Indies Exploration .. United Paracale Annua1 Meeting ..... United Paracale 1937 Balance Sheet .. United Paracale Operating Account .. Marsman Mangani Operation, Sumatra Veteran Patco Pilot Lost ........... . Coco Grove Annual Meeting ....... . Coco Grove 1937 Balance Sheet ..... . Marsman Protege Wins Honors ..... . Mysteries of Mining (special feature) Let's Get Acquainted-Bernard W. Page 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18-19 20 21 22 24-25 26 27 28 29 30-31 present. Thus hundreds of investors v;ere represented by men whose job it Mason ........................... 32-33 (Continued on page 36) Marsman Producing Mines Directory . . 34 Editorial-Renewed Interest . . . . . . . . . . . 35 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE Published each month for Marsman & Company, Inc., Marsman Building, Port Area, Manila, Philippines. P. 0. Box !97 The magazine is sent to all stockhold6'1'BOf Marsman .managed properties and to all etaff membe1's of the companies associated with the Ma'l'sman mte'l'ests. NOTE: All ore values, bullion figures, etc., given in this magazine are expressed in pesos based on gold at $85.00 an ounce and silver at the market price. Figures given in monthly reports are based on mine assays, and may differ to some ezttnt from final mint or smelter returns. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, PS A YEAR. RALPH KEELER, Editor and Business Manager THE MARSMAN l\fAGAZI~E for March, 1938 35 was to interpret the results of the year's work for the benefit of their cl~ents. The questions asked at the meetings reflected a desire to learn the true picture at each respective property. Engineers who have been in close touch with each project from its very start explained the results of 1937 work and the possibilities for the years to come. While it is not easy to explain the complicated operation of a mine, a mill, a smelter, or a dredging plant, it is safe to say that those who did go to the meetings went away with a clearer picture of what was going on than ever before. For the benefit of those stockholders who could not attend, a resume of each meeting is published in this issue of the Marsman Magazine, with each balance sheet, operating statement, and a general summary of the year's work. In ad_dition, a general description of Mars man and the Marsman operating figures as compared to other similar projects in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world, is given. Too often the small investor has the mistaken idea that the company is not interested in him, and does not care to give detail information. This is, of eourse, quite contrary to the true situation. Marsman and Company, as well as every other well-managed entert-•rise, i~ more than willing to keep stockholders informed of what is being done with his property. The main difficulty is a lack of understanding on the part of the non-technical investor, and the impossibility of explaining in a minute detail the whys and wherefores of every action. It is hoped that the information furnished, will give participants in Marsman projects a more true conception of the existing status of their companies. Company, Inc. Insurance Department Repre1enting The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Insurance Company of North America North China Insurance Company, Ltd. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of Canada Filipinas Life Assurance Company Crown Life Insurance Company of Canada Occidental Life Insurance Company of U.S.A. Asia Life Insurance Company THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE fo1· M«rch, J 9.'J8