Hindu wisdom [editorial]


Part of The Cabletow

Hindu wisdom [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
£cUtoftfa£ HINDU WISDOM SHITTAH, official organ of the Grand Lodge of "Cuscatlan" of El Salvador, Central America, in its issue for April-June, 1963, quotes the item "Sabiduria Hindu" from ESPIRAL, Guatemala, December 18, 1961, issue........... We present the following translation as an inpiration to our readers. One day a Brahmin went to Buddha, who at the time happened to be surrounded by his disciples, to ask him some questions, confident that the Master would give the right answers. The Brahmin asked the Master: "What is the keenest sword? What is the most fatal poison? What is the saddest night?" Buddha answered: "The keenest sword is the word one utters; the most fatal poison is cove­ tousness; and the saddest night is ignorance." The Master was asked: "Who gains the most? Who loses the most? What is the most impenetrable armor? What is the most effective wea­ pon? He replied: "He gains most who gives without any idea of re­ ward; he loses most who receives without returning any thing. The most impenetrable armor is patience; the most effective weapon is wisdom." "Master, tell me," said the Brahmin, "What attracts, and what repels? What is the greatest sorrow? What is the greatest joy?" Buddha an­ swered: "Goodness attracts and evil repels. To us the greatest sorrow is produced by bad conduct, and the greatest joy is what we attain by our own effort." Then the Brahmin asked the Master: "What ruins the world? What breaks up friendship? What is the most consuming fever?" Buddha rep­ lied: "The world is ruined by ignorance. Envy and egotism breaks up friendship. Hatred is the most consuming fever." Finally the Brahmin asked: "What is it that fire cannot burn, nor wind destroy, and which by itself is capable of reconstructing the world?" To this the Master replied: "Love is the greatest constructive agent which no man, or any thing, can ruin or devastate." ALC A A The Cabletow