April-Another record-breaking month


Part of The Marsman Magazine

April-Another record-breaking month
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. II) May 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE May 1938 SMAN Vol. II No. 11 MAGAZINE APRIL - - - ANOTHER RECORD-BREAKING MONTH For the second consecutive month the total gold output of the Marsman vroducers set a neu: high record, the April figure being 'Pl ,458 ,484.93 a gain of nearly 'P300,000 over the March total. April was the second month during 'which the million-peso ma J'k wat: passed. ltogon, with an output of 'P.177,189.73; Suyoc, which produced f>157,055 .. 54; San Mauricio, u;ith a total of P.263,618.12; and Coco Grove which produced 'P451,~38.46, all established new all-time monthly highs. United Paracale was but a feiv thousand pesos under the record .c:;et in March. In general the excelfrmt showing resulted from higher grade ore and gravel, the tonriages handled being the sanie or slightly lower than those of previous months. Excellent operaU'ng conditions prevailed in all of the camp.~. ITOGON MINING .COMP ANY A new high monthly production record was made by Itogon during April, with P377,189.73 in bullion resulting from the treatment of 30,243 tons of ore. Recovery per ton was P12.47 and extraction was 87 .38 % . Development work amounted to 3,560 feet, of which 1:346 was in operating and 2,214 in capital development. Of the operating development 386 feet were in ore, as was 171 feet of the capital development. . Operations during the month were normal, and the mill treated over 1,000 tons of ore a day according to schedule. The value of the various changes effected in the mill flow sheet during March is refkctEd in the imoroved extraction for AprH. - The 875L Drain Tunnel extension cut the Taka vein during the second half cf the mcnth. and the vein proved to have a width of 44 feet at this level. Gratifying results have been obtained in the 14 North crosscut 500L Sesame which has cut in a vein some 50 feet wide. Work has been started on necessary repairs to the Taka Shaft, which will be concreted down to the 200 level. The mill has been opera ting very satisfactorily, the record daily production being Pl 6,200 and the highest daily tonnage treated during the month being 1,196 tons. The construction department has started work on levelling the site for the new two-apartment staff house which should be completed by the end of May. Work is also being done in the Upper Store where another room is being built to permit the inclusion of [1 dispensary in the Itogon Drug Store.,