Grand Master’s visit to Okinawa


Part of The Cabletow

Grand Master’s visit to Okinawa
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Grand Master’s Visit To Okinawa In mid May our M.W. Grand Master, Charles S. Mosebrook, accom­ panied by M.W. Esteban Munarriz, Grand Secretary, V.W.H.P. Oliveros, Senior Grand Lecturer, Wor. Bayani Ibarrola, Past Master of Dalisay No. 14, Wor. Felix Caburian, Past Master of Maguindanao Lodge No. 40, Bro. Laureano Callao, Senior Warden of Sarangani No. 50 and Bro. Ernesto Gon­ zales of Bagumbayan No. 4, departed the Philippines with a Grand Lodge representation to visit the "overseas" Lodges under the jurisdiction of the M.W. Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of the Philippines. His visit was most pleasurable and his report of Masonic progress most inspiring. Upon arriving at Okinawa the Grand Master and his party were met by a large group at the airport (Picture 1) who accompanied them to the very beautiful temple which is well located and kept in very good condi­ tion. It is used by all the Lodges in Okinawa and related Masonic organ­ izations. While in Okinawa there was a joint visitation on May 22, 1964, to the three Lodges: Okinawa Lodge No. 118, Coral Lodge No. 142, and Loo Choo Lodge No. 172 (Picture 3 & 4). Before the joint visitation a buffet dinner was served (Picture 2). On Saturday, AAay 23, 1964, the new Lodge named Loo Choo No. 172 was constituted. After the Loo Choo Lodge was constituted, Most Wor­ shipful Brother Munarriz as Installing Officer, and Very Worshipful Brother Oliveros, Grand Lecturer as Master of Ceremonies installed new officers of Loo Choo No. 172. The newly elected officers are as follows: Wor. Master ..................................... Cleveland McConnell Senior Warden .............................. Murray V. Harlan, Jr. Junior Warden ................................... Theodore C. Seavy Treasurer .............................. Benjamin C. Thorner Secretary .......................................'. . Malcolm L. Eastlick The constituting of the Loo Choo Lodge was well attended. Again after the ceremonies were completed, a dinner was served at the Castle Terrace by Loo Choo Lodge No. 172 and Okinawa No. 113 attended by brethren and ladies, friends of both Lodges. Grand Lodge Officers and Inspectors in Okinawa are: V.W.B. Will K Prestidge, Jr. - District Deputy Grand Master for Okinawa V. W. B. William P. Schwager - Senior Grand Steward W. B. Andrew H. Bulkley (142) - Inspector for Okinawa No. 118 W.B. Benjamin R. Flores (118) - Inspector for Coral No. 142 W.B. Cullen C. Litka, Jr. (118) - Inspector for Loo Choo No. 172 June 1964 413 Grand Master and Party is met at Airport Buffet Dinner before Joint Visitation 414 The Cabletow Join! Visitation of Okinawa Joint Visitation of Okinawa Lodges June 1964 415