A New view of the old order [editorial]


Part of The Cabletow

A New view of the old order [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ScUtotial A NEW VIEW OF THE OLD ORDER We are both proud and grateful for the ancient of Masonry. They have stood, and will continue to stand, as the guide posts of our Fraternity throughout countless centuries. These tenets constitute the foundation of our Order, prescribe its purpose, and define the principles for which it stands. Once established, a truth by virtue of its own definition becomes immu­ table. Hence, the tenets of Freemasonry are not subject to change. Conse­ quently, our Fraternity is today what it has always been, and will be the same in the centuries to come. The progress of Masonry, however, depends upon many other factors beside adherence to the tenets of the Order. The success of a Lodge or a Grand Lodge requires not only respect and compliance with the regulations of Masonry, it requires an administrative staff and system to maintain the "body" that the "spirit" may continue. It is here that we must reorient our view of Masonry. We must take a new view of the old order. Unfortunately our administration has become ancient together with our teachings. This, however, should not be so. While administration is ever changing, the truth we teach should remain unchanged. Today we live in a world of speed and efficiency. Some have already declared we have entered the-Space Age. Administration, being a product of the material world must keep pace with the times. What may have been good enough for our ancestors can not be accepted as good enough for our-< selves, if we want ur Fraternity to push forward. We have just concluded our 48th Annual Communication and our re­ cently installed Grand Master, M.W.B. Charles S. Mosebrook has set the pace for us in his inaugural address. Let us not be remiss in our response. Let us take a new view of our old order and streamline our administration pro­ cedures so that we present an inspired image of efficiency to our brethren within and the world outside. Advertise In The CABLETOW It Pays! ADVERTISING RATES Outside back page cover ...................................................... Pl 25.00 Inside back page cover ........................................................ 100.00 Full inside page .......................................................................... 75.00 One-Half page ............................................................................. 40.00 One-Fourth page .......................................................................... 25.00 364 The Cabletow