The Light of Freemasonry – truth, liberty, equality and fraternity


Part of The Cabletow

The Light of Freemasonry – truth, liberty, equality and fraternity
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Speech of Right Worshipful Bro. Serafin L. Teves, DGM on Tuesday, March 10, 1964 at the Park Hotel, Dumaguete City, on the occasion of a dinner given by the brethren of Mount Kaladias Lodge No. 91, F & A M and East Visayas Bodies, A&ASR, and their ladies and the Job’s Daughters and Demolay, of this Valley, honoring him for having attained the 33rd and last degree in Scottish Rite Masonry.
The Light Of Freemasonry - Truth, Liberty, Equality And Fraternity RWB SERAFIN L. TEVES Deputy Grand Master (Speech of Right Worshipful Bro. Serafin L. Teves, DGM on Tuesday, March 10, 1964 at the Park Hotel, Dumagueste City, on the occasion of a dinner given by the brethren of Mount Kaladias Lodge No. 91, F & A M and East Visayas Bodies, A&ASR, and their ladies and the Job’s Daughters and Demolay, of this Valley, honoring him for having attained the 33rd and last degree in Scottish Rite Masonry.) First of all allow me to thank each and every one of you for giving this party in my honor. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this very kind gesture. This gratitude I assure you will remain in my heart until the Supreme Architect of the universe sends me out to the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns. This is indeed a grand occasion of joy and fulfillment for me for having been conferred the 33d and last degree of Masonry, and am proud of it. The road on which Masons travel in this country is a rough and rugged one. On it are the rocks of opposition, behind which law the serpents of suspicion and distrust, and in many places, the pitfalls of disloyalty abound. Even the most careful among us cannot avoid the falls. Sometimes after a fall, we find it hard to rise again. We may be down, but we cannot be out; for once down, we look up to rise again and see the lights of Masonry ever shining and beckoning us to stand taller. Among the lights of Masonry are: Truth, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. To truth, we are loyal. To us, falshood is abominable. We look into things in search for the truth; white lies and half-truths do not interest us; we look for truth, for truth makes men free. Since men must be free. . . since they want to be. . . they have sought membership in Freemasonry, a society of free men. That is why there are at latest count, over six million Freemasons all over the world, counting only those members of recognized and accepted Grand Lodges and subordinate Lodges. If we include those not recognized, there could be a couple of millions more. In any case, Masonry is the biggest single international so­ ciety barring none. Freedom or Liberty is one of their precious possessions. Equality. We believe that men were and are created equal. They may not have been born equal but that is not the point. God in His Infinite Wisdom wants us to have equal opportunities; how each of us uses these opportunities is something else. To a Mason, equality is an important teach­ ing of Freemasonry. You must have heard this before. At one time, the gardener of that famous American President, Theodore Roosevelt, was the Master of his Lodge. The two men, miles apart socially and financially, felt a kinship in equality that only Masons feel. Tum io page 393 May 1964 375 THE LIGHT OF FREEMASONRY. . . (From PaS. 375) And finally, Fraternity. Anywhere in the world a Mason goes, he is welcomed by his brethren regardless of race, creed or color. It is a brother­ hood not necessarily by blood, but by the kinship of ideals; a brotherhood bound by spiritual ties that cannot be torn asunder by discord, jealousy or selfishness. Truth, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity — these are the attributes that make Masonry great. These, to a Mason, are changeless and unchanging. So, brethren, let us keep on with our good work, using the tools of Masonry in our forward march in the years to come for greater achievements, that Ma­ sonry will be a powerful force for good in this valley. We may not be here fifty years from now, but we have faith and confidence that the future is bright, with greater happiness, pride, and humility that so much will have been done with more still to be done. I am confident that from here on, the Spirit of truth, liberty, equality, and fraternity will continue to permeate the lives of all of us Freemasons and will pervade and spread out into the lives of the members of our families, the better to lead them ever onward. In closing, let me read to you a very beautiful thought for you to ponder. Most of you must have read this. It appears in a recent issue of our Cabletow; very significant for us, Masons. "I would not give much for your Masonry unless it can be seen. Lamps do not talk, but they shine. A lighthouse sounds no drum, it beats no gong, and yet, far over the water its friendly spark is seen by the mariner. So let your actions shine out your Masonry. Let the main sermon of your life be illustrated by your conduct, and it shall not fail to be illustrious." EULOGY FOR GEN. EMILIO. . . (From page 374) helpful lie would not hesitate to go out of his way. He was, indeed, an honor and a pride of the Fraternity. While in his hospital bed with death hovering around day and night for six long years Aguinaklo’s mind, thought and heart and soul, were always with his country and people he loved so dearly and served so well. Not long before he passed away he donated to them his kawit mansion and relics of the Revolution as a lasting heritage lor posterity to pre serve and thc youth of thc land to profit. As his last will and testa­ ment General .Aguinaldo wanted his conrades-in-arms — his old veterans — taken cared of and made happy to their last days bv thc grateful peo­ ple of his beloved Philippines. Our Revolutionary hero is now gone, forever gone to comply with the summons of lhe Divine Ruler of thc Universe. Never again shall we heat; of his patriotism and his heroism. Our liberator has departed to heed thc call of his Maker. Never more shall we profit by his love and by his solicitude. Our redeemer has retired lor a well earned rest. For ever we shall miss his leadership and his friendliness. May the great Filipino that is Gen­ eral Emilio Aguinaldo, and thc big man that is our hero, repose in eler nal peace with God, our Heavenly Father and Supreme Grand Master. He will ever live in the hearts ol his countrymen. May 1964 393