Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. II) May 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MARSMAN BUILDING CORPORATION SUBMITS LOWEST' BID ON AHC BUILDING PROJECT Word was received in Manila from Washington early in Ma:v that the bid of Marsman Building Corporation for the construction of the .American High Commissioner's residence in Manila was the lowest of the five submitted. The Marsman bid was $477,663 for the residence without garage and servants' quarters, or $530,914 for the SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY Suyoc produced P157,055.54 during April, from 6,496 tons of ore treated, the output being a new monthly record for this property. The average recovery was P24.18 per ton, and extraction was 87.25 % . Increased plant efficiency combine with a slight increase in the grade and tonnage of ore contributed to make April a record month. Underground development totalled 1,581 feet, and the result of this work were quite encouraging. Of the 779 feet of capital development, 55 feet were in ore, while of the 802 feet of operating development 87 feet were in ore. The unusual grade and width of ore encountered in the 18242 North Drift, the cutting of a narrow quartz streak with commercial values in the 1560 crosscut east, and the recurrence of pay values in the 16154 South, were outstanding features of the development work. Drainage from the mine is now being diverted to the Palidan Tunnel. Work is also being pushed on this level, the 2201 North and the 2200 Station having been started. During the month G. J. Schuermann and C. G. Scott joined the operating staff, taking the places of J. E. McDonald and Robert Armstrong. 2 \vhole project. These bids were substantially lower than those of three firms in the United Sta~es and one in Manila. Contracts will be awarded after the usual study of the bids has been completed by the Treasury Department, the dispatch from Washington stated. SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY April production for San Mauricio was P263,618.12, from 8,830 tons of ore treated, representing a substantial increase over the March output, and a new monthly record. Recovered value was P29.85 per ton, and extraction was 91 %. Development work totalled 1,429 feet, of which 405 feet was in ore and 1,024 feet in waste. The Tacoma 300 level section of San Mauricio continues with extremely good results and the importance of this work cannot be stressed too heavily. The south drift on the 150 level of Santa Ana is in very good ore with good widths, as is the north drift on the 300 level. All raises at Santa Ana are in ore. The drainage adit was advanced 227 feet during the month and continues in bad ground. The ore pocket on the 500 level is 90 % completed and will be put into service during May. The new hoist was put into service during April, and is operating smoothly. The ore bin at the shaft is 90 % completed. Work has been started on the installation of the new Allen Diesel engine. Replacing the old wooden power poles to Santa Ana is three-quarters finished. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for May, 19:38