Let brotherly love prevail


Part of The Cabletow

Let brotherly love prevail
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Closing remarks of our Senior Grand Warden, R.W. MANUEL CRUDO, delivered on February 17, 1968 at the public installation of the officers of Rio Chico Lodge No. 182, F. & A.M. held in public at Tabuk Institute Grounds, Tabuk, Kalingo-Apayao.
.det ‘ P'tevctfl (Closing Remarks of our Senior Grand Warden, R.W. MANUEL CRUDO, delivered on February 17, 19G8 at the public installation of the officers of Rio Chico Lodge No. 182, F. & A.M. held in public at Tabtik Institute Grounds, Tabuk, Kalin go- Apayao) We would like to extend our sin­ cere congratulations to the outgoing officers of this Lodge for a job well done, and to the officers just installed for the honor conferred upon them. Likewise, we would like to express our deep appreciation to our Guest Speaker, His Honor, Judge Arsenio B. Alcantara, for his message on BROTHERLY LOVE, which is very appropriate. Appropriate because nothing is sweeter and more soothing to the ears of every Master Mason than the term Brotherly Love for that was the first of the three (3) princi­ pal tenets that were taught him when he was brought from darkness to light. “By the exercise of Brotherly Love we arc taught to regard the whole species as one family — the high and the low, the rich and the poor — who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inha­ bitants of the same planet, are to aid, support, and protect each other. On this principle Masonry unites men of everv country, sect and opinion; and causes true friendship to exist among those who might otherwise have re­ mained at a perpetual distance.” Brotherly Love is the lubricating oil that bridges fellowship, foments hu­ man relationship among men and con­ verts potential enemies into faithful friends. Through brotherly love, the good Pope John XXIII saw his wav clear in adopting and proclaiming the basic Masonic precept that man has the per­ fect right to honor and worship God according to the dictates of his own upright conscience and therefore, the right to practice and eniov religions freedom. This opened the gates and the doors of the Vatican to Ecumeni­ sm. And we hope it will not be far distant when the unfounded decree of banning or excommunicating Master Masons will be lifted and set aside. Since time immemorial, ]>cople throughout the world have been clamoring for peace, peace and peace! But there has been no peace. How could we achieve peace when the people do not practice Brotherly Love and have not learned to circumscribe their desires and keep their passions within due bounds?” Instead, they have given vent to their greed, their egotism, their unbriddled passion for power and “allowed their vices and prejudices to become the masters of their judgment.” Man has conquerred the sky and fathomed the deep blue sea. lie has made tremendous progress in the fields of science, technology and me­ dicine. lie has succeeded in guiding the missile but missed guiding him­ self accordingly. The wailing wall in Jerusalem, the solitary remnant of the magnificent Temple of King Solomon which leads to the rough and rugged road tra­ versed bv Jesus Christ when he walk­ ed to Calvary under a heavy wooden cross is not only Judaism’s holy of holies but the sacred spot on earth which Mohammed, the prophet of the Arabs and other Moslems took flight to heaven. Had the Arabs, the Jews and the Christians practiced Brother­ ly Love, the war in the Middle East would not have erupted, because then they would have considered the wail­ ing "all not a dividing wall that APRIL, 1968 39 separated them but a retaining wall of friendship that bound them toge­ ther as brothers belonging to one family under the benevolence of a universal Father. All their spiritual dissimilars would have been united in splendid conjunction and their petty political and religious differences would have been submerged under the cement of brotherly love. The dividing wall would have become a singing wall that would chime the Songs of Solomon; discord would have ripened into concord; and in lieu of that bloody turmoil, their would have been harmony and lasting peace. If only the people in the world were Master Masons wlio practiced in their daily lives Brotherly Love, Re­ lief and Truth, the 38th parallel which divides North and South Korea, the 17th parallel which divides North and South Vietnam, and the Berlin wall which divides East and West Ger­ many, would have been erased and the Buddhists, the Christians, the Mo­ hammedans and people of other per­ suasions would learn to love one ano­ ther: strikes would be eliminated and the interminable wars in Vietnam, the Middle East, and other embattled areas would come to an abrupt end. The exemplification of the Tenets of Freemasonry leads to Peace. Let Brotherly Love Prevail! A 40 The Cabletow