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Corcuera, Aurelio L.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2M4ti9tl4 ud . WB AURELIO L CORCUERA (4) PM 191. May the organizers of a new Lodge directly petition the Grand Lodge for a charter? No. According to American Masonic jurisprudence, which is followed in this jurisdiction, no charter is granted until a Lodge “shall have worked a time under dispensation, and shall have exhibited to the Grand Lodge satisfactory evidence of its Masonic capability.” 192. Can a Lodge by resolution surrender its charter? Yes, provided the following conditions are complied with (Par. 200, Ma­ sonic Law Book, 1962): (1) Notice is given at a stated meeting that a resolution for the surrender of the charter will be presented at the next meeting, (2) At the meeting in which the resolution is taken up the votes against it of those present is less than twelve (12), (3) The surrender is not final until it is ap­ proved and accepted by the Grand Lodge. 193. To how many Lodges can a Mason in the Philippines belong? He can belong to only Two (2) Lodges under the Grand Lodge of the Philip­ pines (Par. 2663, Masonic Law Book, 1962). Membership in a Lodge under dispen­ sation does not violate this provision, neither is membership in a Lodge under a foreign Jurisdiction. 194. In the Philippines who are the permanent members of the Grand Lodge? The officers of the Grand Lodge, headed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master; Past elective Grand Officers; Past Masters, Masters, and Wardens of the Lodges under its jurisdiction. (Par. 3, Masonic Law Book, 1962.) 195. When a Warden of a Lodge, who is not a Past Master, is neither reelected nor promoted to the next higher office, can he continue to a member of the Grand Lodge? No. He ceases to be member of the Grand Lodge. He loses the qualifi­ cation for permanent membership. 196. In the nbsence of the Master can a Past Master of the Lodge open the In tb.e United States and in the Philippines, the Lodge can only be opened by tho Senior Warden, if present, or in his absence, by the Junior Warden (Par. 139, Masonic Law Book, 1962). In other jurisdictions the Lodge is opened by a Past Master—first, by the Immediate Past Master, and in his absence by his immediate predecessor, and so on. JUNE, 1967 25