Von voyage [editorial]


Part of The Cabletow

Von voyage [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
VON VOYAGEI This may not be the proper way to say it. It could be appropriate, though. In a sense, Moy of every year is the commencement of a new administration in the Grand Lodge, the beginning of a new Grand Lodge year. The ship that is the Grand Lodge sets sail on a year-long Masonic voyage with the new Grand Master in command. His crew of elective and appointive officers make up the rest of the complement. Whatever may be the organizational or administrative set-up of a GraixJ Lodge, the Grand Master is the headman, the bossman. In the ordinary course of events, a Grand Master, upon reaching the pinnacle position, has had at least three years of training for the top rung of the ladder. In that premier office, the Grand Master has the goodwill and best wishes of ever Master Mason in the jurisdiction. These are what MW Mariano Q. Tinio has from all of us, the good­ will and best wishes. Behind him are a well-rounded education obtained here and abroad and a noble parentage worthy in name and achievement. He stands in the middle of three generations of Masonry in his family. His father was a Mason before him and his sons and son-in-law are his brothers in the fraternity. No one could wish a more solid Masonic background and foreground. The present writer heretofore, and he hopes, henceforth, has been the recipient of the Grand Master's ideas on the improvement and sharing of Masonry as MW Tinio has so well put them in his inaugural address. To say it mildly, he has got something there and we trust that of us will do likewise. One's Masonry, as it is shared, goes around with more vim and vitality. In a way of saying, it increases as it is diminished through sharing. According to MW Tinio, the Blue Lodge created the Grand Lodge. In effect, each Blue Lodge is the foundation of the Grand Lodge and the new Grand Master says it will be his constant care to see that Blue Lodges are properly administered so that in turn the affairs of the Grand Lodge will be run smoothly. The logic is tenable and we are in wholesome agreement. And so, as the ship Grand Lodge is let loose from its moorings for its voyage in chartered and unchartered seas, we wish the captain, his crew and passengers a pleasant trip. Von Voyagel Incidentally, MW Tinio and his party are making the trip late this month to visit our Regional Grand Lodge in Okinawa and install ?s officers under the leadership of RW Andrew H. Bulkley, the new Regional Grand Master. He will make visitations to our Lodges* in Guam, Korea and Jaoan. En route, he expects to meet with brethren of the fraternity in Hong Kono and Taipei. Another Von Voyagel A The Cabletow