Brief biography of M. W. Mariano Q. Tinio


Part of The Cabletow

Brief biography of M. W. Mariano Q. Tinio
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Grand Master 1967-1968 Dy M. IP. Esteban Munarriz, PGM, Grand Secretary Born on May 27. 1900, in Sinait, Ilocos Sur, Bro. Tinio is the eldest son of the Late General Manuel Tinio, of Aliaga and Licab, Nueva Ecija, Commanding Gen­ eral of the Philippine Revolutionary forces in Northern Luzon and Dona Laureana Quijano, of Sinait. Ilocos Sur. Began his schooling in the public school of Licab, Nueva Ecija, and in 1909 was enrolled in the Ateneo de Manila from which he graduated in 1918 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In 1919 he left for the United States of America and enrolled at Cornell Uni­ versity, College of Agriculture, where he was graduated with the degree of Bach­ elor of Science in 1923. Later on enrolled in the American University in Wash­ ington. D.C., for a post graduate course in Business Administration. Back in the Philippines, in 1926 enrolled in the Philippine Law School, Na­ tional University, in Manila from which he was graduated in 1930 with the degreo of Bachelor of Laws. Took the bar examination after graduation and was admitted to the Philippine Bar the same year, 1930. Was elected Councilor of Licab, Nueva Ecija, in 1933; appointed Judge of Circuit Justice of the Peace Court of the Municipalities of Santo Domingo and Licab, Nueva Ecija, and served in that capacity until after the last war. Resigned from his position in 1945 to attend to his rice farms and other privato Interests and to devote more time to the practice of his profession as a lawyer. Bro. Tinio is married to Constancia de la Fuente of San Miguel, Bulacan, by whom he has three children, two boys and a girl, all married. His two sons and his son-in-law are Masons. Has taken active participation in community service. He is one of the organizers of the Rotary Club of Cabanatuan (1918) and served as its President for two consecutive terms (1949-50 and 1950-51); in 1956 was elected Governor of Rotary International for the lone district of the Philippines. In 1957 and in 1958 served Rotary International as its District Rotary Information Counselor, and in 1959 was appointed the Personal Representative of the President of Rotary International to the District Conference of Rotary International, Dis­ trict 330 in Saigon, South Vietnam, which then comprised Rotary Clubs in Cnmbodia, Thailand, South Vietnam, Singapore. Malaysia, British North Borneo and Brunei. Was choosen Chairman of the Provincial Agricultural Council for the Prov­ ince of Nueva Ecija and served in that capacity in 1961, 1962 and 1963. Presently the Vice President of the National Federation of Pump Irrigation Association, having served in that capacity since its organization in 1963. Was Vice President of Nueva Ecija Bar Association. Helped organize General Manuel Tinio Lodge No. 167 and served as its Worshipful Master from its organization as Lodge, U.D., in 1962 and during its first two years as a regular Lodge in 1963 and 19G4. He was elected — Junior Grand Warden in 1964; Senior Grand Warden in 1965; Deputy Grand Master in 1966; and Grand Master in 1967. Most Worshipful Mariano Q. Tinio was made a Master Mason in Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53, where he was — Initiated on September 19, 1925; Passed on February 20, 1926; and Raised on October 23, 1926. Joined the Scottish Rite Freemasonry in 1952 and was conferred the 32° in 1954. Invested as 32c KCCH in 1958 and coroneted Inspector General Honorary, 33°, in 1967. MAY, T9 67