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Corcuera, Aurelio L.
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WB AURELIO L CORCUERA (4) PM 184. Who invented the American system of working? Thomas Smith Webb (1771-1810), who was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Rising Sun Lodge, Keane, N.H., in 1792. He later became widely known as a ritualist. He published the first edition of the Freemason's Monitor in 1797. In the preface he acknowledged his indebtedness to William Preston for the observations on the first three degrees. He was Grand Master of Masons of Rhode Island, 1813-1814. 185. What does Lux e tenebris mean? This is a Latin sentence whose literal translation in English is Liyht out of darkness. It is an expression of the object of Masonry, which every Mason is supposed to have attained. It is used as a caption in documents in Symbolic Masonry. 186. To what does the “dew of Hermon” refer? Mt. Hermon is on the Syria-Lebanon boundary, near Palestine. It consists of three peaks the highest of which is about 9,000 feet. It is snow-capped in winter and spring. It was a sacred landmark in ancient Palestine. In the Bible it is mentioned as Hermon, Sion, Senir, and Shenir. On account of tho copious snow on it, the phrase has been interpreted as meaning plenty. 187. What is meant by appendant orders? Appendant orders are organizations in which only Masons are admitted to membership, such as the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shrine), the Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (GTotto), the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. The Order of the Eastern Star, the Or­ der of Amaranth, the White Shrine of Jerusalem are, properly speaking, also ap­ pendant orders. They admit only women relatives of Master Masons and Master Masons. 188. Can the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite or the York Rite be called an appendant order? No. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and the York Rite are Masonic Rites. In the English-speaking countries though, the three symbolic Degrees are an integral part of all Rites, the Ancient and Accepted Rite does not confer them so as not to interfere with the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge over the Ancient Craft or Symbolic Degrees. 189. W’ho is the highest Masonic authority in a given territory? The Grand Master of Masons. He presides over the Grand Lodge, the Supreme Masonic Power and Authority in the territory, possessing all the at­ tributes of sovereignty and government—legislative, executive, and judicial— li­ mited only by a strict adherence to the Ancient Landmarks. Between Commu­ nications of the Grand Lodge, he exercises its executive power. 190. How many are needed to organize a new Lodge? The petition must be signed by at least twelve (12) Master Masons in good standing (Par. 132, Masonic Law Book, 1962) in their respective lodges, accompanied by demits or certificates of good standing. MAY, 1967 25