Iloilo – Acacia No. 11 in Golden Jubilee


Part of The Cabletow

Iloilo – Acacia No. 11 in Golden Jubilee
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Coinciding with the Golden Jubilee of Iloilo Acacia Lodge No. II was the convention of Visayas and Mindanao Lodges which was held in Iloilo City on March 9, 10, and 11, 1967. The convention had for its theme: “The Mason in Service.” All activities started March 9 at 9:00 A.M., with the arrival of deleg­ ates who went visiting friends while others went on a guided tour of the city. The next day, March 10 at 7:00 a motorcade around Iloilo City after which they went to the Jose Rizal monument at the plaza for the morn­ ing floral offering. And at 9:00 A.M. the Lodge was opened by its officers for the Golden Jubilee Program. Opening remarks were delivered by the WB Manuel O. Obligacion, Mas­ ter of Iloilo Acacia Lodge No. 11. After reading of the history of Ma­ sonry in Iloilo, a plaque listing the founders of the Lodge was unveiled. VW Joseph Schon, Senior Grand War­ den, delivered the address. After the program a luncheon was tendered by the members of the Lodge. At about 2:00 p.m. the convention was resumed. Welcome addresses were delivered by the Master of the Lodge and by VW and Judge Valerio Rovira, District Deputy Grand Master, Dist. No. 14. Responses were given bv the District Deputy Grand Masters of District No. 15, 16, 17, and 18. In the evening a fraternal banquet took place at Ledesma Hotel tendered by Bros. Agapito Braga, Mariano To­ lentino, and Paulino Tolentino. Among the guests were prominent government officials and heads of several Civic or­ ganizations. Highlight of the evening was the address of Vice-President Fernando Lopez. Master of Ceremo­ nies was VW Teofilo Marte. 30 The Cabletow The last day, March 11, was spent in purely panel discussions with speak­ ers from the Masonic hierarchy and national government. Closing address was given by Rt.W. Mariano Q. Tinio, Deputy Grand Master. — AM STRENGTHENING AND . . . From paga 4 its message, and to appreciate its full worth and meaning. It must be our further duty to protect it against the snares of the insidious, who may come from within or from without, by a constant practice of the great social and moral virtues we derive from it. And surely, it must be our duty to preserve its purity and splen­ dor by constantly maintaining unsul­ lied the luster of its image and dig­ nity, its traditions and idealism. But if we must truly cherish this our heritage, protecting and preserv­ ing it is not enough, for that is not the end total of our obligations. We must build upon the accomplishments of those who came before us and en­ rich our minds and souls by their examples, that as men of honor, in­ tegrity and sincerity, we may the bet­ ter be fit ashlars for That Eternal Temple. We must strengthen this our heri­ tage by constantly squaring our ac­ tions, and by dedicated efforts to pro­ ject a wholesome image of Freema­ sonry, to bring people to understand it and accept it, its philosophy and its objectives. While we must hold Freemasonry among our most precious possessions, sharing it with all people through a constant practice of its wholesome tenets, and passing it on to future generations as pure and unimpaired as wc have received it, is our respon­ sibility. Thus, in our own respec­ tive ways we would have truly che­ rished and served Freemasonry. My brethren, you have chosen me to lead our Fraternity this ensuing Masonic Year, and as I humbly ac­ cept the honor, I am conscious of the attendant responsibilities. Hence, I take your trust to mean as a challenge to serve Freemasonry in general and my brethren and this Most Worship­ ful Grand Lodge in particular. I am aware that the role of leader­ ship has been in the hands of many, in our Fraternity and in all other hu­ man activities, as well. To have served well and successfully, how­ ever, has been the good fortune of but a few. Aware of my shortcomings, of my personal limitations, and of the nor­ mal human frailties I pray the Great Architect of the Universe to endow me now and henceforth with strength and wisdom necessary that I may ac­ complish this role of leadership — WELL — with Honor to the Fra­ ternity and pleasure to my brethren. By your constitutional mandate the Grand Master is charged with the duties : (1) to exercise a general and careful supervision over the Craft; (2) to see that the Constitution, Edicts and Regulations of the Grand Lodge arc strictly maintained, sup­ ported and obeyed; and, (3) to dis­ charge all the necessary executive functions of the Grand Lodge, when that body is not in session. I pledge my administration to a regular, strict, uniform and judicious subservience to and compliance with these mandates. With your assistance and coopera­ tion I dare hope for and look for­ ward to a bright, harmonious and fruitful Masonic Year ahead. A MAY, 1967 31