Human Rights and Masonry


Part of The Cabletow

Human Rights and Masonry
Nabong, Ignacio
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
IGNACIO NABONG, PM Cabanatuan Lodge. No. 5."> In 194S when the General Assem­ bly adopted for the UN the Univer­ sal Declaration of Human Rights, the member states became committed to promote these l ights for all mankind ; it marked the advent of an era of liberty, equality and justice regard­ less of race, color, sex. religion and nationality. This Declaration precludes arbitrary actions and discriminations; it gua­ rantees due process of law, and is aimed to give everybody his due. Il is the Hill of Rights for all peoples. This instrument fits all Masons' ob­ jectives of Faith, Hope and Charity and of the Universal Brotherhood of men: they take the entire human race as one family, whether high or low. rich or poor. On this poiiit Mason­ ry unites men of every country, sect and opinion. Provided they lielieve in God. of course. Man's struggle for peace, freedom and equality has culminated in this Declaration, wherein all human values find expression. Il embodies all what Tom Paine meant when he said: “The world is my country. .Ml men arc my brethren. To do good is my religion. And I adore one God and no more.” A new world is in the making, and Masons and non-Masons may give a hand in the process. It is the con­ cern of all that these Human Rights be observed: it behooves that irri­ tants in world affairs be avoided, and that all talks of heads of tales be friendly and reconciliatary. When goodwill prevails, “They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” But wars and rumors of war are with us. Why? Because those who believe in those rights are not doing enough. Yet these rights arc already defined in the Constitutions of most people, — Englishmen, Americans. Europeans. Filipinos, Russians, and others. Accepted by the United Nations and forming a part of the municipal law of civilized states, such rights must find an easy access in every human breast. Internationalism is a fact; we live it everywhere: world trade, travel, commerce, communication and techno­ logy are throwing overboard all ves­ tiges of tribalism and regionalism. The United Nations is spearheading a new world order. Masons and other groups are on a mission for the ad­ vancement of the ideals of human re­ lations. With more and more men in Ma­ sonry. and more and more Masonry in men. men's hope for peace, liberty, equality and fairplay will find fruit­ ion. As the world matures, the Christian precepts for which Masons work will find more and more life. I'he Brotherhood of Men is but a syn­ thesis of all the Rights of Men. /\ The Cabletow