I’m glad my son’s a DeMolay


Part of The Cabletow

I’m glad my son’s a DeMolay
Montgomery, J. C.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
9'*t, tyad Ufy St* 4 a, ‘Deffletey J. C. MONTGOMERY, JR. Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M. I'm glad my son belongs to De­ Molay. No, I didn’t covet his mem­ bership for the pin he could wear nor for the achievement awards he might receive from the Order; neither did I scheme for the social outlet it offers him although any of the foregoing advantages might be desirable. Rather J’m happy John’s in DeMolay be­ cause it sets him on the path of man­ liness in which I hope he’ll walk all the days of his life. What are the benefits of DeMolay for him? For one thing, when he was initiated into the Order he en­ tered a far-reaching fellowship. Some three million men and boys have passed through the ranks of this fra­ ternity or now hold membership in Chapters all across the world. In that number are some who are lead­ ers in industry, the professions, the armed forces. But beyond those wellknown names are the many, many thousands of former members whose chief contributions to life are solid citizenship and upright character. Yes. John need not be ashamed of the company he keeps in DeMolay. Then he learns some great lessons in DeMolay. In the two basic deg­ rees he is confronted with some of life’s most stirring truths. The ini portance of loyalty to God, to home and country is emphasized to him. Xo one, young or old, can ever see the Nine O’clock Interpolation with­ out his heart being stirred; and any one who hears the Flower Talk will resolve to be a better person. Through the moving drama of the DeMolay degree he learns of one of history's most noble figures; and he learns the lesson of fidelity to freedom even though it might mean death itself. All through his life the DeMolay will be brought face to face with these challenges to which he first dedicated himself at the altar of his Order. My son has found wonderful op­ portunities in DeMolay. He is en­ couraged to participate in various Chapter activities for which Merit Bars are awarded as a sign of achieve­ ment. In this way the DeMolay may pursue his interests in the fields of his choice, whether it be civic service, athletics, music, religion, visitation or or dramatics. No talent is despised, and each may find its use in the service of DeMolay. When a years’ membership is completed, the De­ Molay is eligible for the Representa­ tive DeMolay Award. And then should he aspire after further recog­ nition and earn it, there are the Dis­ tinguished Service Awards and the coveted Chevalier degree. Further, I’m glad my son’s a De­ Molay not only for the opportunities but also for the responsibilities which it places upon him. He must learn the twin lessons of being a follower and being a leader. He is taught the duty of charity, and he learns the practice of compassion exercised in works of mercy to others less for­ tunate. He begins to comprehend that he is "his brother’s keeper" not only in the easy fellowship of the Order but also in larger citizenship. Likewise DeMolay brings my son into contact with dedicated FrecmaTurn to next p»8® June, 1966 13 sons. Although he is told at the outset that the fraternity is not a Junior Masonic organization, he also learns that a responsible Masonic group sponsors the local Chapter and that the adult councilors are Master Masons who give a great deal of time, talent and money for the good of De­ Molay. Lifelong friendship will ripen from some of the association he has with these Masons: and many a De­ Molay is led by these experiences to petition a Masonic Lodge for mem­ bership because of the inspiration he has received from these fine Masonic leaders and the admiration he felt for them. Perhaps it’s selfish, but any man has personal satisfaction when his son’s in DeMolay. To be sure, he was of an age to join, but there are more important requirements. He had to state his belief in God, and he had to gain the approval of an investigat­ ing committee as to his good character and reputation. When he was^initiated, proficiency work was required for the degrees. All of this meant that he as an individual had to mea­ sure up to certain minimum stan­ dards of character and work and in this he did not fail. As an organization DeMolay is quite young, being founded in 1919 by the late Frank S. (“Dad”) Land of Kansas City, Missouri. But there is something timeless in its stately ritual and in its concern for youth, believing that in them lies the foun­ dation of future welfare. Never let us despise or neglect them. Long years ago a disciple saw the possibilities in such youth and presented a youngster to the Master of Men, “There is a lad here." In DeMolay these bright hopes for these lads are nurtured and cherished and guided. What was said of Sir Launfal? “Tall, and shining, and fair, and straight, As he stood by the Beautiful Gate.” This honored Order will guide niv son that way. That’s why I’m glad he’s a DeMolay. A (Reprinted front the Philalethes) GRAND LODGE COMMITTEES, 1966-1967 GRIEVANCES MW Cenon S. Cervantes .... ( 66) Chairman VW Cecilio Bituin .............. (26) Member WB Domingo F. M. Domingo (136) Member INVESTMENT FUND MW Serafin L. Teves ........... (91) Chairman MW Antonio Gonzalez, Sr. ... ( 5) Member WB Alfredo C. Sese ............. ( 7) Member FINANCE WB Benito Maneze ............. (147) Chairman WB Gregorio Avelino ......... (69) Member WB Castor Silvestre ........... ( 7) Member CEMETERY WB Primo I. Guzman ....... ( 77) Chairman WB Bayani Ibarrola ........... ( 14) Member WB Marciano Gatmaitan ... (77) Member PROGRAM WB Teofilo A. Abejo .......... (21) Chairman WB Bayani Salcedo ............ (65) Member WB Fred T. Guerrero.......... ( 18) Member CORRESPONDENCE WB Jose Racela ................ ( 12) Chairman WB Jose J. Guzman............. ( 7) Member WB Juan Causing .............. (30) Member JURISPRUDENCE RW Mariano Q. Tinio .. (53 167) Chairman WB Noli Ma. Cortes ........... (77) Member WB Olimpio Navarro ......... ( 12) Member CHARITY WB George Reid ................ ( 3) Chairman WB Severino Manotoc ....... (12) Member WB Jose M. E. Leon ......... ( 57) Member MASONIC EDUCATION MW Emilio P. Virata ......... (17) Chairman WB Aurelio Corcuera ........... ( 4) Member WB. Pedro Francisco ........... ( 82) Member RETURNS WB Marcelino P. Dysangco . . (48) Chairman WB Leandro Cruz ............. (16) Member WB James King ................. (151) Member Turn to pago 30 14 The Cabletow