Abad Santos DeMolays install officers


Part of The Cabletow

Abad Santos DeMolays install officers
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Here and There. . O^iceu Master Councilor Reynaldo Atienza Geft) takes oath of office before out­ going Master Councilor Reynaldo Gatchcco, Jr. (right) during the Jone Ahad Santos Chapter, OD, public installation of officers on April S. Guest Speaker UJ*. Prof. Rex Dri­ lon, a Dad Mason, delivers his speech. The Chapter Sweetheart, Miss Aileen Riego. - A - FLASH! It will interest the brethren to know that last month, Prof. & Bro. Rex Drilon, Political Science Dept., Uni­ versity of the Philippines, was unani­ mously elected President of Central Philippine University in Iloilo City. Bro.' Drilon will be the first Fili­ pino president of the University, suc­ ceeding WB Joseph Howard, a Past Master of Iloilo-Acacia Lodge No. 11. before affiliating with Rafael Palma Lodge No. 147, Bro. Rex Drilon was a member of Iloilo-Acacia Lodge No. 11. We like to call some lodges the Lodge of Grind Masters or the Lodge of Congressmen or the Lodge of Gen­ erals. We can now call Iloilo-Acacia Lodge No. 11 the Lodge of University Presidents. A June, 1966 IS Here and There. Mrs. Fortunata 0. Zafra of Nagcarlan, Laguna (center) receives her cer­ tificate as “Teacher of the Year1' from immediate Past Master Leonardo Z. Macalalag (second from, right) during the recent installation rites at Pinagsabitan Lodge No. 26, F. & A. M. in Santa Cruz, Laguna. Mrs. Zafra, with 41 notable years of service behind her, was chosen by a panel of public school officials. Witnessing the award are: left: Gerardo Zafra, her husband; WB Martin V. Aguilar, installed Master, and WB Amado Mabul, PM, Secretary. ACACIA MUTUAL AID PLAN IN ACTION. Upon the receipt of a telegram from Cebu giving notice of the death of WB Simeon Damian, 33°, the Acacia Mu­ tual issued a check for immediate de­ livery to the bereaved family. Brother Augustus Damian, son of the deceased brother, receives the check from WB Felix Sun, Past Secretary, as WB Pedro Dimaya, Worshipful Mas­ ter of Cebu Lodge No. 128, Cebu City, looks on. A Picture at left, oldest and youngest Masons in attendance at 50th Annual Grand Lodge Communication, April 2628, 1966. Left, WB. Eusebio Dimaano, PM, Kalilayan $37, 8J, years old. Right, Bro. Juan F. Santos, Laoag Lodge H71, 22 years old. 16 The Cabletow