Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. II) May 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
l:rNITED PARA CALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale treated 8,886 tons of ore during April, from which P201,451.08 was produced. Recovered value per ton was P22.42, with an extraction of 87.17%. Development footage totalled 1,240 feet, of which 841 feet were ifl. capital and 399 feet in operating development. The Haliguing Bato road extension was completed during the month, thus permitting truck haulage from Jeff No. 6 tunnel. The construction of a new assay office building on the United Paracale property was started April 1 and finished April 16. The assay equipment was moved to the new building and the old office located in the town of Paracale was dismantled. This new arrangement will result in a considerable saving in rent and in operating expense. E. E. Elser, Inc. COCO GROVE, INC. The April production of P451,438.46 from 362,817 cubic yards dredged by the two boats set new high monthly records for both yardage and output. The Mary Angus handled 182,305 cubic yards, from which Pl35,018.27 was recovered. It dredged to an average depth of 56.5 feet, and covered an area of 87,059 square feet, operating 613.58 hours. The Anne Petronella dredged 180,512 cubic yards, from whit:h P316,420.19 was recovered. It dredged to an average depth of 51.7 feet, and covered an area of 94,165 square feet, operating 608.75 hours. During the month some mechanical trouble developed, resulting in some loss of operating time. However, the Bucyrus-Erie Company, of South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, manufacturers of the dredges, sent their chief designer to the Philippines by Clipper. One dredge was shut down for several days during repair work, but both are now in regular operations. All Forms of Insurance Telephone 2-24-28 P. 0. Box 598 MANILA THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for May, 19"1'3 13