Bro. Gaudencio Antonio, in memoriam


Part of The Cabletow

Bro. Gaudencio Antonio, in memoriam
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (Issue No.12) December 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
RW Manuel M. Crude, SGW Why did God take away from us Senator Gaudencio E. Antonino on the eve of the elections? Why not after or several months before No­ vember 14, 1967? And what is the meaning of the death of Brother Gau­ dencio E. Antonino? These arc questions without ans­ wers. Yet tliej' keep on nagging at us. We seek in the dark for the an­ swers which arc beyond our knowl­ edge. We grope in the Infinite and humbly ask, why? Perhaps our Supreme Grand Mas­ ter, in His Infinite Wisdom, had a reason when He summoned Brother Antonino to the Celestial Lodge on high. Maybe God would like to find out whether the Filipino people had matured; whether they deserve the government they have; or whether, like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, they too had forgotten Him. Brother Antonino considered life not as a mirror where he could see only himself, but an open window through which he could see his neigh­ bors that he might help the needy, succor the poor and relieve the dis­ tressed. He regarded that “only a life lived for others is a life worth while." He worked hard for the approval of P90 million public works fund to improve the impoverished condition of our barrio folks. He led a relent­ less fight to eradicate the pernicious “tong system.” As a true friend of the youth, he organized the G. E. Antonino Scholarship Fund to give 700 poor but deserving students a chance to pursue their studies. He gave security to all public school teach­ ers and town and barrio officials by providing accident insurance for them. Despite all entreaties, despite all threats and intimidations, Senator An­ tonino refused to turn back from that which he believed to be right. He remembered the sanctity of the charge given him when he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason at Maguindanao Lodge No. 40, F. & A. M., Cagayan de Oro City, on August 27, 1938. His goal and not himself was his inspiring thought. He work­ ed hard and fought valiantly for a good cause, not for heaven or for bliss, but for duty. And that duty was al­ ways with him, exacting as necessity and imperative as destiny! Let us draw meaning from his life, his trials and tribulations which are now a legacy of inspiration. Although he was all alone in his solitary fight against seemingly gigantic and over­ whelming odds, lie did not shiver nor shake, he did not quiver nor quake in the defense of right against wrong, injustice and corruption; and in the performance of all the duties of a de­ dicated, patriotic citizenship which alone make a nation strong and great. Brother Antonino sowed the seeds of Brotherly Love, affection and lov­ ing kindness in the hearts of his coun­ trymen and now he is reaping the love, affection and admiration of a grate­ ful people. Illustrious in life, he was equally illustrious in death. He found true happiness in the exemplification of the Creed of Masonry — Service — Service for the good of humanity, without counting the cost nor expect­ ing any material reward save the self­ satisfaction of a job well-done to the glory of God and for welfare of his fellowmen. Senator Antonino is gone. His image has left an indelible mark in the hearts of his countrymen who Turn to page 32 12 The Cabletow JAPAN GRAND MASTER IN THE PHILIPPINES MW George K. Togasaki, PGM, Grand Lodge of Japan, and newly elected President of Rotary Internanational, arrived in Manila on De­ cember 6, 1967 to visit some of the Rotary Clubs in the Philippines. He is the second oriental to head the in­ ternational organization with Rotary Clubs all over the world. In the evening of his arrival, he was guest of the Grand Lodge offi­ cers headed by MW Mariano Q. Tinio, Grand Master, at the Manila Polo Club. At the weekly luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 6, of the Manila Rotary Club, MW Togasaki was speak­ er and in the evening of the same day he was the guest speaker of the Davao Rotary Club. In Manila, the follow­ ing day, he was guest at a party tendered by Past District Governors of Rotary in the Philippines. MW Togasaki was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Japan* in 1960-61 and presently is Grand Re­ presentative of the Grand Lodge oi the Philippines near the- Grand Lodge of Japan. In business, he is president of Fuji Tours Internation­ al, one of the bigger tour operators in Japan, with branches and agencies in many parts of the world. PAANO... From page 20 sa "masoneria” lilimuting lahat ang anomang “vicio at labag sa “moralidad.” Bawat Mason dapat magkaroon ng katangian sa pagiging mabuting halimbawa ng isang Ama ng tahanan at ligtas sa mga gawain makakasagabal o makakapusiao na tulad ng pagi­ ging masunurin sapagka (underson o under de saya) na siyang nagiging sanhi sa di pagtupad sa tungkuling pinanumpaan. FROM CATBALOGAN, SAMAR: An important distinction given to a member of Mount Huraw Lodge is the appointment of Bro. Gonzalo Villarin, Jr. as comptroller of Hilton Hotel in Manila. He has just re­ turned from a three-month tour of Hilton hotels in the Far East for observation and familiarization pur­ poses. In a limited pre-dawn fire last Nov. 14 that destroyed some six buildings in the commercial district of this provincial capital of Catbalogan, three members of Mount Huraw fell disconsolate victims when their buildings and businesses were eaten up by the merciless fire. Bro. German T. Candari and all the members of the household went down their residence in night clothes, unable to save anything, even their valuables that were charred to ashes. Big stocks of IH machineries and spare parts displayed on the ground floor of their beautiful building also went up in smoke. Bro. Florentino Uy Pitchin, one of the oldest in age and membership in this Lodge, also lost all his world­ ly belongings and a large amount of merchandise for shipment received a few hours before for the differ­ ent consignees in town. Bro. Uy Pitchin is a shipping agent in Cat­ balogan. Bro. Ricardo Lim is the third member of this Lodge who also suf­ fered heavily when his bodega full of merchandise was burned. Teodorico Noble, PM, Secretary ANTONINO ... From p.B. 12 shall always hold in cherished rejnembrance the wonderful sacrifices he made for them. “To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is not to die!” 32 The Cabletow