Gravel and sand


Part of The Cabletow

Gravel and sand
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (Issue No.12) December 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GRAVEL AND SAND WB OSCAR L. FUNG (7) PM o* rfettoitte* A few weeks ago, the country held a national election. December is an election month for Subordinate Lodges. If you arc a Master Mason in good standing, attend your your Lodge meetings and exercise your right of suffrage. It does not mat­ ter to us whom you vote for, but go to the meeting and vote. Know the qualifications of the brothers whom you would like to vote for and vote according to your conscience. Bro. Edilbcrto A. l’unzalan, son of WB German l’unzalan, and nephew of WB Jose Punzalan of Dapitan Lodge No. 21, was initiated in Free­ masonry during the November stated meeting of Dapitan Lodge No. 21. WB Jose l’unzalan, Secretary of the Lodge, conferred the degree with the assistance of the members of sister Lodges present. Young Punzalan comes from a family of Masons, he being the grandson of WB Juan Pun­ zalan of Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53 and Nueva Ecija Lodge No. 73. The recent batch of Masters of the Koval Secret of the Luzon Scottish Rite Bodies named their group the GAUDENCIO ANTONI NO CLASS in honor of the late Bro. Antonino who died in a helicopter crash in Dolores, Quezon on the eve of elec­ tion day. Sinukuan Lodge No. 16, celebrated its 64th anniversary at the Panciteria Far Eastern on November 30, 1967. A big number of brethren, their fami­ lies and friends attended. After the lauriaf, WB Gabino de Castro wel­ comed the brethren and visitors and emceed the program that followed. MW Cenon S. Cervantes, a member of the Lodge was called upon to give some remarks. After that, the Grand Lodge Inspector WB. Alberto Presa, gave a very inspiring speech. The keynote address was given by MW Antonio Gonzalez and the closing re­ marks were given by WB Crispiniano l’erez, Master of the Lodge. Musical numbers were rendered by Miss Mila Nimfa. Community singing was led by WB Ililario G. Esguerra. The Masonic Convention of Lodges under Masonic District No. 10, was held last November 30, in Imus, Cavite. I’ilar Lodge No. 15, hosted the convention. Your reporter joins the Officers and staff of the Cabletow in wishing our readers, friends and tormentors Yl'LETIDE GREETINGS. Our congratulations to VW and Mrs. Severo Oliveros on the celebra­ tion of their fiftieth wedding anniver­ sary on Nov. 18. 1967. A Thanks­ giving service at the Ellinwood-Malate Church preceded the reception at the church social hall that day. Mrs. Oli­ veros is the former Regina Lusting. VW Oliveros is the District Deputy Grand Master for the 12th. Masonic District comprising the Lodges in the province of Quezon. The union is Turn to pogo 30 DECEMBER, 1967 11 The thirty-fifth annual convention of Cavite Lodges went off to an im­ pressive start at 6.00 AM on Thurs­ day, November 30, 1967 at Imus, Cavite with Pilar Lodge No. 15 of that town as host. The Pilar Lodge­ brethren opened the Lodge at sun­ rise and an hour later delegates and visitors from the nine other Lodges in Cavite City and province as well as from the other neighboring Lodges and officers of the Grand Lodge gathered near the Lodge tem­ ple for the parade to the town square where they lay commemorative wreaths at the feet of the monu­ ments to WB Jose Rizal and Gen. Glicerio Topacion, hero of Imus. At the open-air program on the Imus plaza, the welcome address was given by Hon. Manuel M. Paredes, Mayor of the town and Mr. Ricardo Labez, Director of Public Relations <'f the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction was guest speaker. At the ceremonies inside the Tem­ ple hall, the welcome to the delegates and visitors was given by WB Romeo B. Argota, reigning Master of Pilar Lodge No. 15 after the invocation and flag raising. The roll call of Lodges, reports of reigning Masters and presentation of souvenirs follow­ ed. Resolutions were presented and discussed, problems of Lodge ad­ ministration and accomplishing of reports were discussed, after which an open forum took place. It was the liveliest part of the convention and many ideas came out for the good of Masonry at the grassroots level. Before lunch time, VW Apo­ lonio Pisig, District Deputy Grand Master for the 10th Masonic Dis­ trict comprising of Lodges in Cavite City and province, introduced the Grand Master who gave the main message of the convention. After the luncheon a social hour took place. This was an enjoyable lwur for all the delegates and visi­ tors who exchanged greetings and renewed friendships. The convention was ended with the closing of the Lodge by the officers and members of Pilar Lodge No. 15 at 3:00 PM GRAVEL AND SAND ... From p.B' 11 blessed with a son, Engineer Jose, daughters, Dr. Nenita and Dr. Alice. Also congratulations to WB Mateo C. Cipriano, Secretary of the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children, who assumed office as Assistant Grand Secretary effective December 1, 1967. His appointment as such was given by MW Mariano Q. Tinio, Grand Master. WB Cipriano, as Assistant Grand Secretary, will be the office manager in the Grand Lodge and will take care of matters involving Lodge G. O. SABAS Jeweller Meker of Maionic Embloma and Jewelry D. R. ESCOSA Authorized Representative 76 Sibuyan St-, Sta. Maaa Height* Quezon City Tel: 689M administration referred to the Grand Lodge. 30