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The Cabletow Volume XLIII (Issue No.12) December 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
tZaettiom cittd . . . WB AURELIO L. CORCUERA (4) PM 229. What is meant by the "golden fleece"? According to Greek mythology the golden fleece was the fleece of a ram said to possess magic properties. It was hung in a wood guarded by a dragon. Jason, son of Aeson, king of Ioclus, claimed the throne of his father, which his uncle Peleas had usurped, was promised the return of the throne in exchange for the Golden Fleece, owned by Aeetes, King of Colchis. Jason, at the head of a band among whose members were Argus, Orpheus, Hercules, and Atalanta, the huntress, sailed in the ship Argo, hence they were called Argonauts (sailors on the Argo), in search for the fleece. With aid of Medea, daughter of Aeetes, who had fallen in love with him, Jason was able to get the Golden Fleece, which he took with Medea to Ioclus. The Order of the Golden Fleece (Spanish, Toiso nde Oro) was in high repute as an Order of Knighthood. It was instituted in Flanders in 1429 by Philip, Duke of Burgundy. He selected the fleece for the badge of the Order because, it is said, wool was the staple production of the country. 230. What is t'/ic “Sta> and Garter"? Theso refer to two distinct Orders of Knighthood: (a) The Order of the Star was established by John II (1319-1364), king of France, (b) The Order of the Garter is the oldest and most important Order of Knighthood in England. It was instituted in 1439 by Edward III (1312-1377) and was originally limited to 25 members, including the king. The title is abbreviated K. G. (Knight of the Garter). Its motto in French is “Honi soit qui mal y pense,” or in English, “Evil to him who evil thinks.” There is a tradition that the order owes its institution from an incident in a court ball. The garter, it is said, of one of the great ladies dancing fell to the floor. The King gallantly picked it up and placed it around his arm as a “Knightly favor,” and uttered what subsequently became the motto of the Order. 231. For what do the letters A.A.O.N.M.S. stand? They constitute the abbreviation for the full title of the “Shrine,” that is, Ancient. Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. It was organized or. September 26, 1872 in New York City. It admits only Masons who have attained the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite or whd are Knights Templar. Local organ­ izations are known as “Temples.” 232. Does the Shrine have any Temple in the Philippines? No, only “Oases” formed by Shriners residing in or near Manila, Baguio, Olongapo, and Clark Air Base. 233. Can a Mason under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines join the "Cursillo" Yes, but those who join should, as men of honor, never forget the obligations they have taken in the presence of their brethren. 234. Why, if it. is true, strictly and legally Lodges of Entered Apprentices or of Fellow Crafts do not exist? Becauso only Master Masons in good standing, the number varying in dif­ ferent jurisdictions, can petition for the formation of a new Lodge. The charter is granted to a Lodge composed of Master Masons. DECEMBER, 1967 25