Pieced together ...


Part of The Cabletow

Pieced together ...
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (Issue No.12) December 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Pieced together. . Brotherhood of Men Bro. William Duschane, (2) • Brotherhood of men, world unity, world peace, are all one and the same. It has ever been the dream of many an individual, the aim of most fraternities, the purpose of Re­ ligious institutions, the aspiration of almost every civilized nation of the world. It is indeed beautiful and desirable and worthy of any sacrifice to attain. It has been a subject writ­ ten and re-written many times over, discussing its possibilities, causes or hindrances and obstacles standing in its way to success. Authorities and close adherents of this project expressed the sincerity of their desire for its success, tena­ ciously clinging to their ceaseless ef­ forts to initiate the desire in every man’s heart and keep the spark alive in the mind of the people. They voiced their varied opinions or ver­ sions of the causative factors for its failure, heavily laying the blame upon human relations and the exist­ ing conditions surrounding humanity today. We fear that the causes al­ luded to by these authorities may forever lodge in the hearts of men: ideology, greed, envy, distrust of one another, and worst of all, poverty. Because once God told us that the poor shall always be with us. Taking it altogether, how can we expect to overcome such stumbling blocks as these, in order to succeed, when all theso conditions are inherent in humanity. However, we cannot help but give them credit and commendability for their efforts, but men sometimes in their eagerness can overlook or totally disregard the other phase of a problem. Sometimes, in colossal projects like this, we may have to step outside the realm of possibili­ ties and causes to get our answer. There are times when we cannot af­ ford to bypass logic for the sake of our convictions. If we fail to see fur­ ther possibility in our intent, can we still consider it logical to persist.' Why can we not seek for other rea­ sons, view it from another angle, base our allusions to other factors than solely upon existing conditions causing its failure. In fine, look further beyond the target of our aim. Let us take a glimpse at the other phase of this project or this prob­ lem, in it we may find our answer. Upon observation, we find that al­ most everything upon this earth came to being in two opposing elements to produce a desired third, not only in people, not only in life, but in matter, in things. We have the negative and the positive poles of electricity which give us light, we have the day and the night which give us our needed rest. The good and the bad create the incentive to achieve, even God himself has his own opposite. Satan, which gives us our realization of the power of God. Remove cither one of these opposing elements and we remove its purpose. Basing our ac­ tions upon these observations means that we have to verify first the pres­ ence of an existing condition before wc attempt to eradicate it to suit our purpose. The existing condition could have been created with as much purpose as our intent or it could have been created as part or Turn to non* pogo DECEMBER, 1967 in support of an clement. Have we ever thought if the broth­ erhood of men is a desired third or just an element? If it is but an element, therefore, it is already an ac­ complishment as far as the democra­ cies of the world are concerned, for they have but one ideology which form one human element. The oppos­ ing ideology, communism. The human elements afford us not only a desire, but a very much needed formation of these two opposing and necessary third. Science and civilization would almost be at a standstill without these two oppos­ ing elements to give us the initiative to excel in all our fields of endeavor. Is this not the way to perfection within the capability of men, perfec­ tion within all human power? We all know and say that Communism is bad because of its adverse ideology and that Democracy is good, for it is the right and proper way to live. Therefore, their respective efforts Jo excel one another create the incentive to attain perfection for both. This principle is not only applicable to na­ tions, but to individuals as well. Now can we breed incentive; with­ out opposition how can a product at­ tain perfection without competition? In the gospel, it is said that per-, lection, eradication of all that is bad and evil and oneness shall be attain­ ed only upon the promised return to earth of Christ the Savior. If we ponder, accept and believe and have faith in this concept, then, we can also accept all the existing conditions surrounding humanity today; behave accordingly by striving to be good and let matters take its own course. Science, religion, philosophy, arc all striving to find the answer to all existence, to all being, to all creation, but can we find the answer when we ourselves are only a part of crea­ tion? Were we created for the pur­ pose of answering or finding the answers to the existence of the Uni­ verse? Science may find some ans­ wers to the concrete phase of it to a certain extent and religion may re­ veal the abstract side, and philoso­ phy may bridge the gap between the two but can we go any further? IIow many thousands of j'ears have passed since men began the search for the answer to this existence, have we gone one step further than the beginning? If we trace it back, we will find that we have been going around in a circle always ending in one hypothetical source, God. A THINE HELP WE NEED We arc addressing ourselves to Masters, Wardens, other offi­ cers and members of our Lodges requesting their kind assistance in making our Cabletow fulfill better its objectives of informing Masons, whithersoever dispersed, about our Grand Lodge, our Lodges and their activities, in putting in print the gems of thought boiling over in the minds of those who write, etc. etc. Please send us reports on the activities of your Lodges, and members; articles of lasting value; good pictures of your activities. We depend on the annual reports of Lodge Secretaries for the correct names and addresses of members to whom we send The Cablctow in the ensuing year. Can you send your reports early to the Grand Lodge? 10