With our young ones


Part of The Cabletow

With our young ones
The Cabletow Volume XLIII (Issue No.12) December 1967
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Sis. Evelyn Javier, a member of Bethel No. 2, IC)J1), Manila, left November 28, 1967 for Macon, Geor­ gia. where she will work as Medical Technologist in the Clinic of Dr. Erbele there. Sis. Evelyn is the daugh­ ter of Dad & Mom Aquilino M. Ja­ vier, Sr. of Pangasinan Lodge #56 and sister of Brod & Dad Aquilino L. Javier, Jr., more popularly known to us Young Ones as “Pong.” Brod Pong is Past Master Councilor of Loyalty Chapter. OdeM and present­ ly Chapter Adviser of Quezon City Chapter, OdeM, since he is a Master Mason and Master of the Royal Sec­ ret or a 32° Mason. As usual, our congratulations to Sis. Evelyn. Our hopes and prayers for her success in the good old U.S.A. Sisters of Perla Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, meeting in the Scottish Rite Temple under the sponsorship of Lodge Perla del Oriente #1031, S. C.. held their friendship WORK I am the foundation of all business. I am the fount of all prosperity. I am the parent of genius. I have laid that foundation of every fortune in America, from Rockefeller’s down. I must be loved before I can bestow my greatest bless­ ings and achievo my greatest ends. Loved, I make life sweet and purposeful and fruitful. I can do more to advance a youth than his own parents, be they ever so rich. Fools hate me; wise men love me. I am represented in every loaf of bread that comes from the oven, in every train that crosses the continent, in every newspaper that comes from the press. I am the mother of democracy. All progress springs from me. Who am I? What am I? I am Work. — The American Mason meeting on Saturday, Dec. 2, 1967. They had as guests, sisters from va­ rious Rainbow chapters in Cavite and Clark Field. It was nice to see our Rainbow sisters dressed in flowing evening gowns. After their meeting, they had a get-together at the social hall of the Scottish Rite Temple. Sisters of Bethel No. 2, Manila. IOJD, meeting in I’laridel Temple, recently elected their officers for the first semester of 1968. The newlyelected and appointed office bearers will be installed on Dec. 24, 1967. They are busy brushing up on their rituals from now until Jan. 20. 1968 when their Supreme Guardian. Mom Wilson, will observe their work. The officers elected are: Nimfa Edralin. Honored Queen: Carolyn Israel. Senior Princess; Yvonne Correos. Junior Princess: Jean Jacob. Guide: Josephine Gonzalez, Marshal. DECEMBER, 1967 19