Masons implementing the golden rule


Part of The Cabletow

Masons implementing the golden rule
The Cabletow Volume XLIV (Issue No.1) January 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Golden Rule Essay Contest. . . Bro. Pedro de Rama (82) 6th Honorable Mention • Masons Implementing the Golden Rule “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the Law and the prophets’’. "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Matthew Chapter 22:39. This is known as the Golden Rule; the way to peace and happiness. Our life in this world is a probational period in which we live and work out our salvation for that eter­ nal and glorious home in the heavens. Since the birth of time man’s life is a cycle of prosperity and destruction; from poverty and want, to a life of abundance and luxury, and back again to poverty and sickness and suffering, to prosperity and peace; etc. This is so, because men fail to love one another and live righteous lives. They have failed in the great­ est commandment of God. “If you have done this to any of the least of our neighbors, you have done it to me”. Thus said the Lord. Men during their period of prosperity give vent to their pride in their hearts, envy and jealousy; thus causing hatred, robbery, murder, and all kinds of evils. Jesus Christ brought peace and goodwill among men by teaching them to love one another thru examples. If men would only love their neigh­ bors there is peace and happiness in that community. Seek ye and store treasures in the hearts of men thru loving kindness and you are building a heaven in that place. A kind word tenderly spoken; a heart that beats in sympathy; a gentle touch of the hand; a sweet smile; these are the little things that brighten the world; that could influence a wayward one. an embittered life, the hapless and the desperate, to a better life and may be brought closer to his Heavenly Father. Why do men build stately mansions wherein may dwell men hostile to one another? Why seek for wealth and glory whose pathway lead but to the grave? The more man seeks for wealth and power and glory, the more he will live in misery and in turmoil; for he lacks peace, hence no happiness. For he who seeks his own welfare at the sacrifice of others, will lose himself, but he who loses himself for others will find life in abundance. The ideals and tenets of Masonry are brotherly love, relief and truth. These are the foundations of peace and happiness; the cornerstones upon which civilizations are built. If men can only live and work in harmony with one another, they will surely build a glorious world of peace and happiness. If Masons live by these ideals and tenets, they develop good governments, better citizens and sound family life which are the assets of a good community. Since Masons are found in all climes, in all sea­ sons, and in all places, and if they be Masons indeed and in truth, they would be a great factor in the trans­ formation of their communities for good in particular and of the whole world in general. Let every Mason be proud of his distinguished frater­ nity, and be the guiding star, the em­ blem of brotherly love in his com­ munity. You have pledged to live and let live and abide by that ideal JANUARY, 1968 13 which is your charge and an obliga­ tion to fulfill in life. Let us live a life of loving kindness, temperate in all things and diligent to the call of duty. Masons the whole world over, are united by that same spirit of loyalty and brotherly love. They are men of free will, of high moral character with the strength of the strong men and the judgment of the wise. Other institutions of men and nations the whole world over, rose and fell but Masonry still stands after the test of a thousand years, untouched by the catastrophy that befell mankind. This is because Masonry is above petty wars, and differences that wrecked peoples and nations. It stands for moral decency and righteous living and for the amelioration of the hu­ man race. Masonry can succeed in its goal of building that brotherhood of men under the Fatherhood of God when every Mason’s heart is Dealer of Genuine Leather Goods VILLANUEVA LEATHER GOODS 1446 San Marcelino, Manila Abo Available: Tear Gas Revolvers & Pistols Tear Gas Ball Pens Tear Gas Ammunitions full of enthusiasm and possessed of that vitality which he received when he was raised as a Mason. The ancient Masons worked in secret because they were persecuted, yet they succeeded in a large meas­ ure in overthrowing tyranny and op­ pression. Today Masons are not per­ secuted yet they are not as fruitful as compared. Let us not allow the tide of evil and lasciviousness to en­ gulf us. Let us be like the knights of old, lacking in luxuries of life, yet dynamic in action. Opportunities for service are at every turn. They crowd over us. Why flee from these opportunities? Why turn a deaf ear to the cry of the unfortunate and the needy? Come, let us join hands in the crusade against crimes, vice and all manner of evil that is suck­ ing the vitality of the peoples all over the world. It is only when these symbols of tyranny and oppres­ sion and crimes are crushed and de­ stroyed that we can build the founda­ tion of brotherhood of men. The Romans of old boasted of their splendid citizenry which has been developed thru hard struggle for existence. After successful wars of conquests, Rome rose to a mighty power. Wealth and luxury flowed to the city of Rome and corrupted its people. Good citizenship, the pride of the Romans, was lost and it caused the downfall of that mighty Roman empire. Let us bring back the glory and splendor of that most ancient and venerable craft. Like the knights of old, let us girdle our loins with the sword in one hand and the trowel in the other and together let us stem the tide of evil, crimes, and corrup­ tion that overruns the whole world. We have pledged to free the world of evil and crimes. Let us fortify every community with better schools. Turn to page 21 14 The Cabletow