MW Luther B. Bewley passes away


Part of The Cabletow

MW Luther B. Bewley passes away
The Cabletow Volume XLIV (Issue No.1) January 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MWB Luther B. Bewley, PGM, died early morning of December 29, 1967 of complications following bron­ chial pneumonia. He was 91 years old at the time he passed away. MW Bewley, a Tennessean, arrived in the Philippines in 1902 on the Transport Thomas, and was, at the time he ascended the Celestial Lodge, one of the very few remaining “Thomasites” who came to the Phil­ ippines at the turn of the century to teach the young ones of the country. He was one of the principal founders and architects of our public school system. He served under all the American governors general and high commis­ sioners and the first three Filipino presidents of the third republic. He was married to the former Eleanor Gertrude Morris of Indianapolis who died in Manila in 1956. They have one daughter, Virginia, now Mrs. Conrad Geeslin, and three grandsons: Conrad, Keith and Philip. MW Bewley became a Mason in the Philippines and was elected Grand Master in 1960-61. He was a 33°, SGIG, and active member of the Supreme Council. His remains laid in state at Funeraria Nacional until January 3, 1968 at which time it was transferred to Plaridel Masonic Temple and funeral services were conducted by the Grand Lodge on January 4. He was inter­ ested in the Masonic plot at Cementerio del Norte. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, President of the University of the Philippines and concurrently Secretary of Educa­ tion, said of MW Bewley: “Luther B. Bewley served the cause of educa­ tion in the Philippines with compe­ tence and dedication. He was one of the pioneers who came to our country on a mission to help estab­ lish our educational system. He start­ ed from the bottom and rung by rung he ascended to the positions of res­ ponsibility that he occupied with hon­ or to himself and credit to his coun­ try.” £ GRAVEL & SAND ... pw renzo N. Talatala, Senior Deacon; VW Manuel T Paz, Junior Deacon; VW Benjamin Gotamco, Senior Ste­ ward; VW Leon A. Vidalleon, Jun­ ior Steward; VW Jose Ma. Cajucom, Bible Brarcr; and VW Eulogio O. Nadal, Tyler. Ill. Conrado Benitez, Sov. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council delivered the Eulogy for the Supreme Council and MW William H. Quasha delivered the eulogy for the Most Wor. Grand Lodge of the Philip­ pines. Primera- Luz Filipina Lodge No. 69 held its installtaion of officers for the year 1968 on December 30, 1967 in Binakayan, Cavite. The ceremo­ nies were conducted in the vernacu­ lar. WB Legaspi and WB Barcega were Installing Officer and Master of Ceremonies respectively. On the same occasion, WB Maria­ no llano was awarded the fifty-year gold pin. MW Cenon Cervantes made the presentation. A 22 The Cabletow