The NBI and you


Part of The Cabletow

The NBI and you
The Cabletow Volume XLIV (Issue No.1) January 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The NBI and YOU Atty. Romeo T. Saavedra It is our happy privilege to welcome to the pages of The Cabletow Atty. Romeo T. Saavedra, Public Information Officer of the National Bureau of Inves­ tigation, who has gladly consented to conduct the Column, "The NBI and You.” Matters of common interest to ma­ ny are the varied crime prevention and police improvement projects oi the National Bureau of Investigation for the fiscal year 1967-6S which inav have escaped the attention of people in a position to help in these projects. In the crime prevention f:eld, started since five years ago, are the public posters distributed in strategic areas of the “Ten Most Wanted Criminal:-. By The NBI”, jointly sponsored by a bank and the NBI, which has netted about two hundred arrests, together with the ‘‘Wanted Person” columns devoted by the Philippines Herald.for about a year, the Manila Times for about six months, and the Manila Chronicle, for about two weeks. The NBI has also put out a photo album of swindlers and passers of forged checks to the different banks and ho­ tels here, under the immediate super­ vision of the Interpol Division, NBI, which has also resulted in a large number of arrests of these persons ch flagrante delicto. Started about three years ago, the NBI Addiction Institute, the first of its kind hereabouts, jointly main­ tained by the NBI, the SWA, and the private sector, is responsible mainly for the rehabilitation and treatment of more than 300 narcotic addicts who have been referred to the Institute on a voluntary basis. The institute has been deluged with requests from courts to have those convicted of violations of the narcotic laws con­ fined thereat. The NBI, however, has maintained the policy of accept­ ing only those young offenders and ad­ dicts in the incipient stage. The Phil­ ippine General Hospital and some drug companies joined hands in this public service. The addicts, numbering about fifty, at a time are housed at the NBI Addiction Institute at Tagaytay City, where they are given physical therapy and vocational training. The NBI also, in association with the Philippine Amateur Judo Associa­ tion (l’AJA), has been training the youth under a selective basis, in athle­ tics and sports judo to develop a ‘sound mind in a sound body’ as part of the juvenile control program of the P.ureau. Also during Saturdays, m a 1 e high school students, after pro]x?r screening, are taught skills in type­ writer repair, bookbinding, carpentry, painting, printing, laminating, ■■ And other vocations to afford them train­ ing and to help them make use of their time profitably. This is the juvenile delinquency control program of the Bureau. The NBI has also started a project to publicly distribute and dis seminate a list of motor vehicles, to gethcr with the model, type, ntake, and motor number for the public to help impound or force the owners to satisfy the customs taxes thereon. The NBI thru the Narcotics DiviTurn lo next pag« JANUARY, 1968 9 sion has also released for the public information and assistance narcotics leaflets warning the public of the dan­ gers of these drugs and to report any violations of this nature to the NBI or its field offices. Likewise, color­ ing pictures with big bold words of warning are distributed to young pupils who are especially susceptible to these evils. The NBI also has put out ‘STOP CRIME’ pamphlets for the public consumption citing the ma­ ny ways in which the public can help in the campaign against crime and its forces. The NBI has also been res­ ponsible for the publication and print­ ing of the first Annual Crime Report in the Philippines, detailing the causes and volume of crimes throughout the country, including the circumstances of the offenders and the nature of the crimes committed. This Annual Crime Report has been coming out regularly as a special issue of the NBI Iziw Enforcement Monthly. The NBI has also put out a Uniform Crime Re­ porting system in the Philippines which was adopted by the Metropo­ litan Police organization and the Peace and Order Council. Under this system, uniform sheets containing da­ ta about crime, its nature and distri­ bution, about offenders and their per­ sonal circumstances, are distributed to the different police agencies in the country, to be returned to the NBI. which under the law, is the national clearing house for criminal informa­ tion after filling them out. On the police training program of the Bureau to improve police service and promote law enforcement effi­ ciency, the NBI Police Academy, has conducted basic police training courses and supervisory :.t manage­ ment police science courses for police officers throughout the country. Jointly with the National Economic Council and AID, the NBI has made these police training courses ambula­ tory in the different cities ami pro­ vinces to afford greater part:cipation among policemen who are unable to attend these police seminars in Ma­ nila for economic reasons. Presently, the NBI has graduated more than five thousand policemen on both training levels. This is in addition to the big nuniber of securitiy guards of the dif­ ferent government agencies and pri­ vate corporations who arc trained along the same line. A GRAND MASTER'S MESSAGE F,om p,9. > Lodges to keep this thought in their hearts and minds: You are the front­ runners of Freemasonry in 1968. Think well, do well in and for your Lodge. Perform your sworn duties with honor to yourselves and inevitably you will honor our Ancient and Honorable Fraternity. In fine, therefore, I call on all Masons to face the future with dedica­ tion, resolved more than ever to do all we can in our power to make our Masonry felt and seen around us. There is nothing to fear except fear itself. With courage and fortitude, we can face the future knowing that the hope for friendship, peace, harmony and understanding lies in Freemasonry in action. MARIANO Q. TINIO Grand Master 10 The Cabletow