With our young ones


Part of The Cabletow

With our young ones
The Cabletow Volume XLIV (Issue No.1) January 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH OUR YOUNG ONES Stanley Jacob, Reporter * A DEMOLAY RAINBOW JOB'S DAUGHTERS The Philippine Priory,. Order of Knighthood, has just come through with another successful benefit show They presented in Abelardo Hall, University of the Philippines campus, the well-known musical, “Camelot”, produced largely by members of the faculty and students of St. Joseph’s College of Quezon City and the San Beda Glee Club, with the assistance of the Cafa Singers, Lads and Lasses and Hush-A-Byes. The cast is headed by Conrad Par­ ham as King Arthur; Carmen Barredo as Queen Guenevere; Maurice Gallaga as Lancelot; Ricardo Gallaga as Pellinore; and others It is a highly acclaimed production and the Priory members are to be congra­ tulated for their labor in presenting it to the public. Among those who helped in the patronage of the presentation on Dec. 12, 1967 are: Philippine Bodies, AASR- Jose Abad Santos Chapter, Loyalty Chapter, Quezon City Chap­ ter, and Emmanuel Baja Chapter, Order of DeMolay ; Bethel No. 2, International Order of Job’s Daugh­ ters ; Perla Assembly, Order of Rain­ bow for Girls; Dad & Mom Arsenio Reyes, Dad Cornelio Aguirre, Dad I.eon Vidallon, Miss Divina Pascual, Miss Cely Gamboa and others. The visitation of Mom Velma Wilson, Supreme Guardian of the International Order of Jobs’ Daugh­ ters, to Bethel No. 2, Manila, was a lesson in collaboration and under­ standing. The Jobies of Bethel No. 2, who meet on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in the Jose z\bad Santos Hall, Plaridel Temple, had to hold their meeting for the Supreme Guardian’s visitation on Sa­ turday, January 20, 196S because of the limited time of the Supreme Guardian in the Philippines. That day, all three Lodge halls in the Tem­ ple were in use. The Dads of IslandLuz-Minerva Lodge No. 5 had the use of the Jose Abad Santos Hall from 2:00 PM, but knowing about the predicament of the Manila Jobies, readily agreed to split their stated meeting and installation to give the Jobies two and one-half hours. The Dads had their stated meeting from 2:00 to 4:30 I’M and resumed their meeting for installation at 7:30 PM to give the Jobies the use of the from 5 :00 to 7 :00. While waiting for the public instal­ lation, the Dads and Moms were in­ vited to the Jobie ceremonies and so impressed were the}' of the things they saw that several Dads and Moms after the meeting asked for petition JANUARY, 1963 19 GOLDEN RULE. . From page 14 good government and sound family life with high morality and sound judgment. The world is torn by political and racial differences and religious strifes. Masonry is above all these differences. It stands for world unity, with brotherly affection for all creed, color and belief: helping the poor and the needy, and in the search for truth which makes men free, “For whatsover things are noble, whatso­ ever things are honest, whatsoever things are true, whatsover things are of good report, if there be any vir­ tue” — do these things. Masons keep the charge. Let your light shine so that men and civiliza­ tion may continue in their march to progress. Yours is the hand to lift a weary traveler who stumbled in the dark and perilous journey of life. If you fail to perform your duty, you have a part in the destruction of that life for you have received the charge, and yours is the sin of ominission. Living examples are more impres­ sive and dynamic in their results than volumes of books written or sermons preached. A crime has a far reach­ ing effect than good deeds, as the power of evil is tenacious and dead­ ly. Let us destroy the symbols of tyranny and oppression and replace them with deeds of kindness, love and charity. Charity is the greatest virtue. It is the connecting link be­ tween God and man. Let us do deeds of charity and win the world for brotherly love. Masons are builders indeed. They not only build that strength of char­ acter, that dedicated life and personal and moral integrity, but nations as well. America the greatest nation to­ day, had George Washington, whose leadership, together with some Ma­ sons in his cabinet, laid down the foundation of that great nation. Dur­ ing the civil war which threatened the national existence, Masons played their part wonderfully. During the period of reconstruction, Masons shared in binding of the wounds of the bleeding nation. In the Restora­ tion program, Masons worked hard in the rapid growth and progress of the nation. All over the world you will find Masons who helped in the great task of nation building. In the Philip­ pines, we have Jose Rizal, foremost among the heroes, who struggled and died for the emmancipation of the Filipino people from ignorance, pov­ erty and slavery. Andres Bonifacio, Marcelo II. del Pilar, Aguinaldo, and a host of other heroes whe fought and died in the defense of freedom and personal dignity. Let us continue the work these Masons have left us, to free the world from crimes and evils of all kinds. Catch the torch of service and hold it high, so that the ideal of Masonry may brighten the world and mankind may live as one people under God. With our living examples of righteous life; “with malice towards none”; ever praying for that divine guidance, and when we come to the end of our life’s journey, we appear before that Supreme Architect of the Universe. He will say unto us “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the kingdom of heaven which is prepared for you”. A WITH OUR YOUNG... From p,g. 19 blanks for their daughters. 'l'hey wanted their young ones to share am. have a part in the beautiful teach­ ings and ceremonies of the Order. The Sister Jobies are grateful to the Dads of Island Luz Minerva, especially to Dad Hidalgo, new Wor­ shipful Master, and Dad Romulo, the Secretary. A JANUARY, 1968 21