Marsman Building Corporation gets AHC Residence contract


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman Building Corporation gets AHC Residence contract
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MARSMAN BUILDING CORPORATION GETS AHC RESIDENCE CONTRACT The contract for the construction of the United States High Commissioner's office and residence in Manila has been awarded to the Marsman Building Corporation; notice to that effect was received early in June from Washington. It is expected that construction work be started early in July. The contract price is $440,794. Marsman Building Corporation submitted the lowest of five bids received. The building will be erected on reclaimed land on Dewey Boulevard adjoining the Elks and Army and Navy Clubs. It will be three stories high and will have 20 residential rooms and 27 rooms for the Commissioner, his staff and clerks. The land has an area of 17.14 acres with 442 meters frontage on Dewey Boulevard. The project will take around 18 months to complete, it is believed. BINDERS AVAILABLE With this issue the Marsman Magazine completes its second year of publication. Those who have saved their copies during the year may secure binders for them by addressing the editor, at a cost of P2.25 each ; for fifty centavos extra a name can be stamped in gold on the cover. Those who so wish may have the volume bound in permanent form, by E. E. Elser, Inc. sending the 12 issues (July, 1937-June, 1938) to the office of Marsman & Company in Manila, at a cost of P3.50 for each bound volume. The binder is of the spring type, with hard blue covers. Each binder will hold one volume, 12 issues, and no holes are necessary. The name and volume number of the magazine is stamped in gold on the cov~r. All Forms of Insurance Telephone 2-24-28 P. 0. Box 598 MANILA THE MARSlVIAN MAGAZINE for June, 1938 15