

Part of The Marsman Magazine

The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 12) June 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WELHAVEN-ATKINSON At a lovely wedding held in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Welha ven, Miss Lillebess W elha ven became the bride of James E. Atkinson on May 24. Only a few close friends of the Welhaven family attended the wedding and the informal reception which followed. and Stanford University, California. Mr. Atkinson, who is from Berkeley, California, came to the Philippines in 1930. He was general superintendent of the United Paracale Mining Company during the early development of the property, and under his supervision the plant was constructed. He has been engaged recently in exploration and development work in the Netherland East Indies. Both Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson are ·well known to the Marsman organization. The bride, the daughter of a vice-president of Marsman and Company, has made her home in the Islands .since 1926. A graduate of Brent School, Baguio, she finished her education at Mills College Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson left Manila immediately following the ceremony for a six-months' honeymoon trip around the world. 18 Close Buman Relationships -exist between this bank and the people of this Community. THERE are no dividing lines between the interests and welfare of this bank and the interests and welfare of its neighbors, whether or not they are customers. Our depositors who entrust their funds to our keeping represent a broad aTerage of the men and women of the Community. Our borrowers are men and women engaged in active business enterprises which, we feel, entitle them to the use of the bank's credit resources created with the aid of our depositors' money. This bank, as a center of the financial interests of these men and women, makes possible interchange of practical helpfulness. PEOPLE'S BANK AND TRUST 001\IPANY Manila, Philippines Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mountain Province Tarlac, Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Pampanga THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for June, 1938