Intentions of the apostleship of prayer blessed by the Holy Father for the month of May, 1952


Part of The Cross

Intentions of the apostleship of prayer blessed by the Holy Father for the month of May, 1952
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY, 1952 29 INTENTIONS OF THE APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER BLESSED BY THE HOLY FATHER FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1952 GENERAL INTENTION: For the frequent reception of Holy Communion by the youlh. Chastity is the most beautiful ond necessary virtue of youth, and the frequent and proper reception of the Holy Communion is the best defense of chastity. A sincere conviction of the truths of our religion leads us to a life which is entirely Christian free from all vices, and keeps us away from occasions of sin which surround the life of young people. Christion life is nurtured on prayer and on the thought of the gravity of sin and on the punishment due to the sin of sensuality, orr its ugliness ond on its dangerous consequences. Happy is the youth who loves his state of grace and defends it with the frequent reception of the Holy EuThe most chaste Jesus speaks to fjeort of youth and inspires in him a respect for his own body, os a member of the mystical body of Christ to which he is sacramentally united, making himself thus the temple of the Holy Ghost. Communion weakens the strength of temptations, because it lifts the< mind to heavenly thoughts and to the love of Jesus and Immaculate Mary. It reminds him of the example set by young saints who conquered the world and all its vanities. The Saints also felt ond suffered spiritual struggles when they live amidst the fascinations of the world, and some of them underwent temptations greater than what we now experience. Their triumph was not due to their superior nature, but to their fervor and continuous vigilWe should persevere in the practice of praying and of frequently confessing and receiving the Holy Communion so thot we may attain the victory which is hidden within this food of angels and martyrs. MISSION INTENTION: For the protection of the family in Japan.