The chaperone


Part of The Cross

The chaperone
Aunt Luisa
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY, 1952 39 Dear Family, Gee, I'm as happy and almost as excited as you are, what with the family's "big day" just a few days oway!!! Did everyone of you, guys and gals receive an invitation to our affair? I wonder if those of you who have gone home to the provinces and have only left me your school and city addresses, have received your invitations by now.... to the members who haven't, we would like you to know that you are cordially invited to our whole day excursion at Ja-Le beach on Moy 3; that we will miss you terribly if you don't join us in our family's summer affair. You see, quite a number of you who ’have changed your addresses, have failed to notify me about it. The letters addressed to your former places are always returned. Here's hoping nobody side-steps the affair this time!!! I'm so glad many of you people are really taking my lend-a-helpinghond advice seriously. Why, Alice B-114, writes that she is a babysitter, storekeeper, and household manager everyday. . . result — she sleeps like a log at night! Who was it who confided to me that her family eats fried chicken cooked a la Max's Fried chicken way, now that she is the uncrowned queen of the kitchen. Soy kids, don't limit the "jurisdiction" of your helping hands to just within the four walls of your home. . . extend them to your parish priest. I simply can not understand why so many young people dislike to help in parish activities but when it comes to hustling up for a barn dance, for a cruise, or selling tickets for those useless beauty contests, boy, they unquestionably deserve an "A" rating in cooperation. Do help your parish priest specially during these out-of school days when you have plenty of free time at your disposal. By now, you must be quite familiar with the faces of the Chaperone's visiting "Romeos", who are busily going around meeting Chaperone members personally. Believe it or not, the "omnipresent" threesome, Adolfo V-l 1 1 —Mike G-101 —Ernie P-100, have gone as far as San Fernando, Pampanga, to visit the club mem40 THE CROSS bers there. The trio raided Pampanga just in time for the graduation exercises of Ely J-107 (valedictorian) Carmen C-116 (salutatorian) ond Frida de L-113 (first honorable mention) who invited them. Boy, the fun they had, when afterwards they held a welcome pow-wow at Frida's palatial home. Of course, these "flying voters" as they have been dubbed by their friends, met the parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, etc. of the girls. Ah these Kids, before we know it, they will be storming the Visayan islands too! By the way, next time you write to me, please address your letters to P.O. Box 150. The postman will be running after me pretty soon if you keep on addressing your letters to me the old way. Well. . . let's "call the roll." Via air mail, came a letter from Fidenciano C-l 22, who is completely sold on the Chaperone family idea. A very zealous legionary like his pal Mags S7100, Fidenciano is a sophomore hi-boy at the Rizal Memorial College in Davao city. Dark eyed, medium or should we rather say, with that sigh-provoking height of 5'1-34 is Lety 1-100, who is the librarian in the Balatoc Mining Company owned library. Vital statistics; Age— 20, School-graduate of Holy Gho'st College, hobbies—reading, letter-writing. Another recruit of Mags S-100 is Trinidad G-109. Don't be fooled by the she—sounding name, kids, he is a "he". Trinidod studies at the Holy Cross of Tagum and is a basketball and ping-pong enthusiast. How abderful you, eh Trining? All things that make a teen-ager click. . . . A-l sport fan, an up and coming writer, a Farley Granger "disciple". . . are found in Albina P-109. Albina who was a co-staff member of Ely-107 and Carmen C-l 16, simply hates all types of ."airy" guys and not-even-fit-for-the-jungle clothes. Here is a girl who ought to get a medal and trophy awarded to players during the NCAA season. Lita V-113, believe it or not, "majors" in biking and "minors" in skating and badminton. She would gladly sit it out with the Blue Eagles in the cellar than change colors, she Adolfo V-l 11 enrolled four more femmes from the Assumption Academy. Lilia C-l23, whose sweet smiles just melts the heart like a chocolate candy under the midday sun, intends to take up pharmacy in PWU this year. Ciony S-115 who also bowed out from high school last March, dreams of doing her bit for "book-worms" all over the islands by taking Optonpetry. . . . likes La Salle,1 • Richard Greene, and oh, anything that sports the green color! Hats off to the future Alice Markova of the family. Besides ballet, Nida A-l21 plays the piano—and how! Here's an eye-catcher, Douschka P-110. Doushka completes the "Big 8" gang -of Assumption Academy. How about telling us some more about yourselves, eh girls?