Three little drops [poem]


Part of The Cross

Three little drops [poem]
Binuya, Gregorio Jr.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
44 THE CROSS tained amendments from both sides. This was the MAGNA CARTA. Estimates have varied as to the true character of the Magno Carta many cases its importance has been vastly exaggerated. As a matter of fact, it was nothing but a confirmation of existihg customs, particularly desired as a safeguard against the exceptional and irregular increase of burdens due to the extremities to which John was reduced. And so, after all allowance has been made for the mistakes due to centuries of undiscriminating admirotion, the charter remains as an impressive example of what perhaps is a united and national capacity of resistance to arbitrary government. Drawn up long before the so-called reformation, it is worth nothing that this blow for freedom — such in effect was the Rebellion of the Rich — was struck, not by Protestants or infidels, but by Catholics; and that, not in the "glorious age of enlightenment," but in the supposed darkness and ignorance of the Middle Ages. THREE LITTLE DROPS Look.....' Three little drops of water Drip into a pool of wine; The scarlet sea winks welcome Then....I In the timeless silence Of a universe at hush; Angelic legions hover In anticipation — tense. Hark. . . .! Priestly lips are trembling Words of might and power; Heaven's Lord Himself is hast'ning To the summons of a whisper. Now....1 The scarlet Blood of Christ Brims the hollow cup; And lost in the throbbing purple — Three little drops of men! Gregorio Binuya, Jr.