Thinking with God


Part of The Cross

Thinking with God
LeBuffe, Francis P.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY, 1952 45 THINKING WITH GOD Francis P. LeBuffe, S.J. •We beseech You O Lord that the power of the Holy Ghost may be with us so that He may mercifully cleanse our hearts and may protect us from all dangers.—Collect for Pentecost Tuesday*. We beseech You, 0 Lord— humbly, os did the Apostles awaiting the first Pentecost. . . confidently, as did the Disciples gathered with them. . . fervently, as did the group thot later Peter won over to Christ by His first sermon . . . That the power of the Holy Spirit may be with us— thot power which overshadowed Mary and mode her a virgin-mother. . . thot power which came upon Christ at His boptism in the Jordon. . . that power which came so frequentiv and so visibly upon the eorly Cnristions. . . that power which is almighty ond which none ccn defy. . . So that He may mercifully cleanse our heaits— cleanse them, of course, from all serious sin. . . cleonse them from lesser sins end froilt'es. . . cleanse them from the evil effects sin has left in us. cleonse them from tendencies which wouid lead us into sin. . . cleonse our hearts— washing them white in the b'ood of the Lamb. . . adorning them with the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit. . . making them somewhat fit to be His living temples. . . And may protect us from all dangers— He alone loves us with an infinite love. . . He alone is wise enough and for-seeing enough to’guard us against them oil. . . He olone is powerful enough to make us sofe against them all. . . And may protect us from all dangers— dangers of soul ond of body. . . dangers from within ond from without. .. 46 THE CROSS dangers from men and dongers from devils. . . dangers that would hurt us only in time. . . dangers thot would ruin us for eternity. . . Dear Lord Jesus You have promised us the assistance of the Holy Spirit □nd we know He is olwoys with us. Thanks for His protection in the past and for the assurance that it shall continue to thei end. Just give me a livelier faith to be more intimately conscious of His presence, ond a greater eagerness" to ollow Him to do the work He wonts to do in my soul. I GATHER A BOUQUET Each time I say my rosary, I gather a bouquet. For every bead's a flower, A little prayer I say. I start out with the Creed; My loving faith it shows. It blooms in my life's garden Just like a big red rose. I see a lovely flower; 'Tis called the dear Lord's prayer. I pluck it, oh, so gjently. With great and wondrous care. And then I choose ten Aves, The fairest of them oil; For they are ten white lilies. So pure and straight and tall. And now I add a Gloria, A fern that's fresh and green. How my bouquet is growing! The finest eyer seen! And while my beads I'am counting I'm pond'ring o'er the thing That happened to the Mother Of Christ, the King of Kings. Lo, there amongst my flpwers, I find these same good thoughts Are turning into blossoms. Small blue forget-me-nots. I gather up these blossoms, So tiny ond so sweet, And place them with /he others. My bouquet is now complete! I kneel at Mary's altar; "Hail, Holy Queen!" I say And offer her a tribute. My rosary bouquet. Cyrilla J. Mansmann (Adapted from the Messenger of the Sacred Heart)