Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 2) August 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Milling operations were normal. Slime tails were lower this month owing to improved filtration. Total expenditures at ltogon for the month of July reached an all-time low record of P7. 70 per ton. It has been decided to reopen the old Taka workings above the present Zero level. Definite plans are now being formulated, and some work is already under way on the 3 level. It is hoped that a large tonnage of ore can be secured in this area from old fills and unmined blocks which were too low grade to mine when gold was $20.67 per ounce. MINDANAO MINING COMPANY A 95-horsepower tractor has been purchased for Mindanao Mining to be used for stripping ahead of the dragline. It has been delivered and is now in operation. This will allow the dragline to work continuously on production. Changes have been made in the delivery hopper, screening and stacker belt which will increase yardage handled and it is expected that 2,000 yards per day can be treated in the future. Considerable difficulty was experienced early in August with large boulders which reduced the yardage handled, but the equipment is now in more favorable ground and values and recovery improved very markedly during the first two weeks of the month. Production for August is expected to be the highest on record to date for the operation. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANI During July Suyoc Consolidated treated 6,67 4 tons of ore from which Pl44,491.45 was produced, an average recovery of P21.65 per ton with an extraction of 85.83 % . The development advance was 1,312 feet, of which 936 were capital- and 376 feet operating advance. Of the· capital development 92 feet were in ore, as were 93 feet of the operating advance. On the 220 level, the vertical 2-compartment raise coming up to connect with the bottom of No. 1 shaft was advanced 133 feet during the month, and will be connected before the end of August. Sinking operations in No. 1 shaft are expected to start by September 1. A streak of alteration and quartz was cut in 2201 South which showed free gold, good assays resulting from samples over a width of 2.5 feet. No drifting has been done on the feature, so that its extent cannot be determined at this time. An effort will be made to make more progress in this heading to the South. 2042 crosscut East has cut what is believed to be the projection. of the similar showing on the 1800 level. This showing, although the samples were very erratic, is expected to be slightly above average grade and of normal mineable width. · No repairs in the milling plant were necessary during the month, thus resulting in lower cost and increase in tonnage milled. I. BECK, INC. 2 Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail & Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. Toys. · Send for Catalogue For Reference ask any _old Mining Man THE MARS MAN MAGAZINE for August, 193 8