United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 4) October 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMPANY Itogon production for the month of September was P339,537 .06, from 30,314 tons of ore treated. Recovery per toili was Pll.20, while extraction was ~6.28 % . The development advance was. 3;952 feet. Of the 2,384 feet of capital advance, 442 feet were in ore, as were 710 feet of the 1,568 feet of operating advance. The month's output was somewhat higher than that of August; recovery was P.30 higher per ton than for the previous month. The concreting of the Taka shaft from the 200 level to the collar was completed September 18; this: difficult job was accomplished without interfering with the hoisting operations, and at a cost lower than that anticipated. The Sesame counterdrive was ad-. vanced 373 feet and has reached the projection of the 523 winze. Preparations, .: are no.w under way to start a raise for! connection with the winze. On the 6 level Taka a crosscut intersected the hanging wall at 22 west ; at this point the vein is about 3 feet wide, and averages higher than the usual mill heads. The main hanging wall drift on the 5 level Taka was advanced on a st,rong vein, although assays were very spotty. Work done on the hanging wall drift at 20 west has been encouraging. 'The main drift west, 3 level Taka, has been advanced along the hanging wall of the old workings. Ore taken from this drift has more than paid for the cost of driving. Stoping on the virgin ground east o~ the old portal will be started shortly. Considerable work is under way on the new exploration program on the 0 level Taka. It is planned. to start re-stoping the 23 section as soon as possible. A 5-day shutdown of No. 3 ball mail because of a cracked trunnion bearing brought about a reduction of about 1,000 tons in the ore milled during the month. The crushing units operated satisfactorily; routine .~·eplacements made were 2 UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale treated 9,418 tons of ore during September for a production of P223,403.76. Recovery per ton was P23.72, while extraction was 89.79%. Development advance totalled 1,586 feet, 933 capital and 653 operating advance. Of the capital footage 254 feet were in ore, as were 140 feet of the operating development. 107 drift south, San Antonio 100 level, was advanced 31 feet along the vein 2. 7 feet wide. 107 H. W. drift north, San Antonio 100 level was advanced 42 feet along the vein 3 feet wide. 206 drift south, San Antonio 200 level, was advanced 21 feet along the vein 2 feet wide. 401 drift north, Baluarte 400 level, was advanced 65 feet along the vein 6.8 feet wide. 402 drift south, Baluarte 400 level, was advanced 48 feet along the vein 2.9 feet wide. 501 drift north, Baluarte 525 level was advanced 64 feet along the vein 4.8 feet wide. 201 drift south, Longos 200 level, was advanced 77 feet along the vein 6.2 feet wide with better than average assays. Big Bear crosscut west was driven 152 feet through granite. Malaguit crosscut west was advanced 1371 feet through altered granite, cutting several narrow stringers. Mill operations were normal and sat-. isfaclory during the month. PHILIPPINE SMELTING COMPANY The Cottrell treater house, substation, and machinery installation was 80% completed at the end of the month .. The Cottrell plant will start operations by October 15. During September the plant smelted 1,011.253 tons of concentrate (as sinter) . The feed to the furnace consisted of 1,665.175 tons of sinter with 55.940 tons of slag. new mantle and bowl liners for Nos. 1 and 2 Symons cone crushers. General operating oonditions during the month were good. The rainfall for the ·month was 6.4 inches. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1938