San Mauricio Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

San Mauricio Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 4) October 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
San Mauricio Mining Company San Mauricio established a new alltime monthliy high production record in September with an output of ?377,845.19 from 9,005 tons of ore treated, an increase of some P47,000 over the August figure. Recovery averaged ?41.959 per ton; extraction was 92.43 7o. Of the 1,121 feet of capital advance, 548 feet were in ore, as were 82 feet of 'the operating advance of 445 feet. Average values were most encouraging,. particularly in the Tacoma Section. The Tacoma No. 3 north drift, San Mauricio mine, was advanced 103 feet) on the 300 level, with high assays over a width of 43 inches. Tacoma No. 1 north drift on the 400 level was ad-· vanced 61 feet during the month, withr high assays over a width of 28 inches. The Tacoma No. 3 north drift on the 400 level was advanced 122 feet with high assays over a width of 41 inches. The 500 level north drift on the San Mauricio vein was advanced 147 feet during the month. There remains 84 feet to advance this drift to reach the crosscut point for cutting the Tacoma. veins at 1600 N. The 50 level adit in the Santa Ana mine was connected with the shaft during the month. The Santa Ana shaft was sunk 5 feet during the month, to a total depth of 443 feet. The shaft station on the 425 level was cut and timbered. General stoping operations were normal during the month, with all stopes in good condition. The mine is in good condition with plenty of ore available. The mill operated normaUy during; the month. DFC Laboratory Crusher 4 Faster Crushing WITHOUT PENALTY Delivers more rock per hour at no higher maintenance cost. Motor is pivoted from base of crusher frame, always hoiding the triple V-belt drive at correct tensidn. Efficiency is greatly increased. Equipment occupies minimum space. Reversibl~ jaws double grinding life: easy cleaning prevents salting; size of grind is easily adjusted; an moving parts are shielded against dirt. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1938