Work on construction of American High Commissioner's residence is started by Marsman Building Corp.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Work on construction of American High Commissioner's residence is started by Marsman Building Corp.
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 4) October 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WORK ON CONSTRUCTION OF AMERICAN HIGH COMMISSIONER'S RESIDENCE IS STARTED BY MARSMAN BUILDING CORP. Preliminary work on the construction of the U. S. High Commissioner's residence at the northern end of Dewey Boulevard is well under way, by the Marsman Building Corporation, successful bidder on the project. The original contract for the building, stipulating untreated timber piles, was $440,794 approximately. This figure has been reduced by $59,832 by the use of V ibro reinforced concrete piles, and by making use of local tiles, and by changes in kitchen equipment, elevators, etcetera. The garage for the building will be constructed. The building is being constructed on reclaimed land near the Elk's Club. Reinforced concrete piles some 65 feet long, about 640 of them, will support the whole structure, floor plans of which are published herewith for the first time. These piles are considerably cheaper than wooden untreated piles, as they are concrete and do not need to be driven to water level, as is the case with untreated timber piles. Reinforced concrete will be used throughout the construction of the building. While air conditioning will not be installed at first, ducts will be provided in case it is decided to use such a system later. Tops of patios will be tiled wherever visible, while the main roof will be of galvanized iron. About 95 per cent of the products to be used in the building construction are to be bought locally, while directly and indirectly some 70 per cent of all labor employed is Philippine labor. Some P200,000 will be paid in wages to the laborers. Building trade mechanics to be used on the project include the following: pile driving crews, steam hoist engineer, carpenters, lathers and plasterer, cement finishers, stone masons, marble workers, terrazzo workers, iron workers, sheet metal workers, tile setters, cabinet makers, painters, plumbers, electricians, floor finishers, mechanics, and laborers. Philippine materials which will be used in building the AHC's new residence are as follows: PILES: driving shoes, cement, sand, gravel; CONCRETE WORK: which include pile caps, slabs, walls, stairs, etc.,: form lumber, cement, sand, gravel; MORT AR : lime, cement, sand; ARCHITECTURAL CAST STONE: cement, sand, gravel, lime; ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK (while the actual production of the iron which goes into the fabrication of the ornamental iron work is not produced in the Philip-:pines, the artisans engaged in the manufacture of the work are Filipinos) : main entrance gate, gratings, grille, I. BECK, INC. Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail & Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. Toys. Send for Catalogue For Reference ask any ol~ _Mining Man THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1938 11 balcony and railing; SHEET METAL WORK (the production of the metal sheets is not accomplished in the Islands, but the fabrication of the sheets into the finished product is done by Filipino skilled labor) : ornamental sheet metal work, copings, cornice, flushing, metal roofing; TILE ROOFING AND TILE FLOORS; PLASTER : lime, cement, gypsum, hair and fiber, sand; MARBLE: floors, stairs, decorative work, partition; TERRAZZO WORK: ffoors; WOOD WORK: lumber, forms, roof timbers (creosoted,) sheathing, flooring; MILL WORK: doors, frames, door and window trims, base boards, moulding, counters, flooring; CABINET WORK: cupboard and cabinets, panelling and wainsccting, drawer, bookcases and shelv€s, wardrobes. Captain Learder Larson, QMC, is construction quartermaster for the U.S. Government and as contracting officer has full charge of the construction. For the Marsman Building Corporation, H. P. S. Page is in charge of actual construction. Work was started August 24, 1938, and must be finished before February 1, 1940. Two Vibro pile dri,i:ers at work at the site of the new AHC home, Oct. 4, 1938. 12 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1938 1-3 ::c: ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ > z ~ ~ > N ... z ~ ._ c "l 0 ~ c c::r(':) ,."1! ...... ~ ~ Oo ....... Cl:) U.S.HIGH COMMIS510Nt:R'S OfflCfa ~e51D!NCE AT MAHILA, PHlLlPPIN!S MARSMAN 6UILDlNG CORPOAATION CONTRACTORS Aides /flyh } ~ ~ !• ~ 1,1 ~ \/ c... l:r ~ 1 ~ i:J /,'/Jrory tl,<'1'''" 1617 .:JJl:n:,,,,, " :ffilo,;er ' -~~ l ~~ ~ l ~ ~ l':" .... j '"'). Ta .W/ l"<755aye '£,,#-y Co11~red .Pa:>.,u•9e ,t'oy~r • ~ • • • • -... • - ~ ' .. I I ~ g__ I .tJa// tioom '<) u,,pe,. jkrl ll j i ~ I I t ~L...~l Lot.·n9e- 5,.act! I - - I ·~ ~ Covrl. 11o·. id~ " l , ~ • ~~,. A.r/ ~ -t J I w w w J lo99ia. L ..I I . , ~ I **II , -, ---111.-=--..,.~-=-=-=----~-. .Pr1110/e .S.zcrelo7 .;Se~ekry j lf=e,AI"°"' ieOM? Nh'Jm13/,.,;, · ,,,_,;,/ . .! 1 ,jrory .RJ£ZZANIN£ /J.OOR /1.AN '&nvuel /la// r/17ol'1Cial C/~ko/ "490/ c/erlc:a-1 !fool Dl'I. ID'I ~ol'/. "11'1.. •••••I I I '"""" ~ 1-3 ;:i:: t:':l ~ ~ rn a= > z ~ ~ > N z l:':l ._ c ""l 0 (") ~ c C" (~ '"'l "--" (,Q ~ Oo U.9.HIGH COMMISSIONf.R5 orrteEa Rf510fHCE AT MAltlLA, PHILlPPlM1$ MARSMAM BUILDING CO"PORA TION . CONTRACTORS ~ • ~ .l,. ,,.. ' ... ~ ' ~ ~ i ~ H , ;/kory &# ~o~ H g- t & I Ad~;.,..? 1 1> I I I ~~//I:;// r ~· ·~ . . ct ~ • ~ w!::>fudj ._ ' I 1. ~ : J---·--r··--,---==-~ :; '---"' ~ · t N -.._ .:=..i'"'"" " 11-x:~phr 11011 . . rc-yer . . .· /''""'.; .. r . ~ RTTI -J '""'V /'«v,, } ~ !~ fu . , ... a~· I -1 ~ p ~ .. ,.. f.) 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