Autumns gold


Part of The Carolinian

Autumns gold
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NEWS AUTUMN Pull over you the memory of what once was. The memory of what once was is cold. Pull over you the cover of what has been and feel its tingling gold. Rev. Fr. Herman Kondring, S.V.D., rec­ tor of this university for the past five years, has left us. We remember Fr. Kondring primarily for his being one of us. For one thing he is a Filipino citizen. We remember him too, for his fatherly and compassionate dealing with the students and faculty members of the university, his excellent public relations with the Cebuano community, and the steady rise in the standard of the univ­ ersity. Fr. Kondring has been assigned rector of the Diocesan Major Seminary in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Mr. Demetrio Maglalang, too, has left us. The “little genius”, a professor in the College of Liberal Arts, poet and erstwhile contributor to the Carolinian, fiery and fearless writer, has gone away in search for greener pastures. We fondly hope he finds them. Rev. Fr. Edward Datig, S.V.D. To take the place of Fr. Herman Kondring as rector of this university Fr. Harold Rigney, S.V.D., one-time rector of the University of Peking, is expected to arrive soon. In the meantime, the headship of the university has been en­ trusted to Fr. Edward Datig, S.V.D., the new vice rector. Fr. Datig was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on January 14, 1912. He was educated in the SVD schools in the United States and went to Vienna to study theology. Later, he went to the Gregorian University, a Jesuit-adminis­ tered school in Rome where he obtained an S.T.B. (Bachelor of Sacred Theology) degree. He was ordained in August 1939, whereupon he began his active service for the SVD, which has recent­ ly brought him to this university. A holder of an M.A. degree in teacher education from the University of Chi­ cago, Fr. Datig assumes his position in the university with a wide experience in the field of education, having found­ ed and headed the famed Mt. Mary Teachers’ College in the young Republic of Ghana in West Africa. His last as­ signment was the setting up of an SVD program for overseas personnel at Georgetown University and the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. with special emphasis on the be­ havioral and social sciences. An English seminar, to which teachers of English in private schools in the city and province of Cebu were invited, was held at the audio-visual center of this university from Oct. 28 to October 31 inclusive. The seminar dealt with the teaching of English as a second lan­ guage. Two more faculty members of this university arrived recently from their studies abroad: Professor Alejandro Tan­ toco, a West German Government scho­ lar and Mr. Gervasio Riconalla. Profes­ sor Tantoco specialized in engineering techniques at various electrical plants in Germany, like the Prussian Electrical Company in Kassel, Hessen, the Bava­ rian Power Company, and the Pump Storage Power Station Waldeck 125 M.W., while Mr. Riconalla obtained a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of St. Louis, U.S.A. He was recently the guest speaker of the Cebu Chemical Society where he dealt with the up-to-date orbital concept of atomic structure and also took note of the disparity in student and technological problems here which results in differ­ ences in areas of emphasis in chemical education. The USC Art Association under Ca­ rolinian artist Amorsolo Manligas went on its first monthly outdoor sketching party to Bantayan sa Hari, Look, Mandawe. Equipped with drawing boards, water color sets, drawing and charcoal pencils and several kinds of drawing pa­ per, the members enjoyed themselves painting the surrounding landscape. The University, in observance of the parish priest week, held a symposium on September 16 presided over by the vi­ car general Msgr. Esteban Montecillo, D.P. The first discussion group led by Jess Estanlslao featured Mr. Pete Mon­ tero who spoke on “Our Parish Priest” and Mr. Filemon L Fernandez who took as his subject. “Our Duty to Support our Parish Priests.” Miss Sonia Tandnco of the second discussion group led by Amosa Velez, discoursed on the “Parti­ cipation of Lay People in the Work of the Parish.” The Portia Club, an exclusive organ­ ization of women law students of the University, held its annual induction of officers early last September. Judge Elena Ruiz Causln was the guest speaker and Rev. Joseph Watzlawik, the Portia Club adviser, was the induction officer. Miss Luz S. Catan Miss Luz S. Catan, Acting Dean of the College of Pharmacy, has been appoint­ ed permanent Dean of the department. Miss Catan took her bachelor’s degree in this university and her Master’s at Manila Central University. Mr. Vicente Pllapll, A.B. graduate of this university, enplaned for the United States last September where he will major in history and minor in some other sciences at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Maria Gutierrez, a member of the USC faculty, conducted the four-day seminar. Mrs. Gutierrez has just re­ turned from the United States where she took up the study of English as a second language at the University of California, Los Angeles. After complet­ ing her course at the UCLA, she at­ tended a seminar in linguistics at Ann Arbor, Michigan. She also made a stu­ dy tour of the United States. Mrs. Maria Gutierrez Page 26 THE CAROLINIAN NEWS S GOLD Mr. Maglalang's literary contest, thought to be a dismal flop, rallied at the last moment after the original dead­ line with a total of sixty-six entries. Proclaimed winners at a literary-musical program on Sept. 27 were: SHORT STORY DIVISION: 1st prize, no award; 2nd prize, Vanica Za. Pasinio for “Love in the Ocean”; 3rd prize, Orlinda Alducente for “These Prison Walls”. POETRY DIVISION: 1st prize, Junne Cahizares for “The Three Voices of Man”; 2nd prize, Orlinda Alducente for “Augustan Reveries”; 3rd prize, Elsa Quejada for “Sonnet No. 2”. ESSAY DIVISION: 1st prize, Rolan­ do Espiritu for "A Neighborly Ap­ proach to Community Problems”; 2nd prize, Pete Montero for "Self-Expres­ sion Through Music”; 3rd prize, Israel Q. Doronio for “On Whom the Blame Falls”. The Board of Judges was composed of Professors Esperanza V. Manuel, chair­ woman, Avellna Gil and Leonor Borromeo, members. Jesus Estanislao USC bet Jesus Estanislao copped first place in the Knights of Rizal-sponsored oratorical contest held last Oct. 20 at the university audio-visual center. The Board of Judges was composed of Supt. Ricardo Trinidad of CSAT, chair­ man, and Dra. Fortunata Rodil of USC, Supervisors Damaso Morales, Angel La­ brador, Buenaventura Canoy of the Bu­ reau of Private Schools, members. Mr. Estanislao was one of the three rep­ resentatives of Cebu in the regional con­ test held at the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion auditorium on Oct. 26 where he placed second to Mr. Alfonso Cleto of Silliman University. The Thirteenth Annual Declamation Contest under the auspices of the Teachers’ College, was held Sept. 27 at the USC Social Hall. Proclaimed win­ ners were: Bonita Suson, first place; Remedios Almirante, second place; and Antonietta Santos, third place. Their “The Soul of the Violin”. "The Bad Boy”, and “Don’t Say Diet”, respec­ tively. The Board of Judges was com­ posed of Mr. Robert Yost, Mrs. Concesa M. Baduel, and Mrs. Avellna Gil. The West German Ambassador to the Philippines, Baron Friederich von Fiirstenberg and his wife paid a visit to San Carlos late last September. They were pleased to observe the progress the in­ stitution has made. The Shell Company of the Philippines recently donated to the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department a gasoline dispensing pump. This ma­ chine features the following parts: a semi-rotary type pump unit, a meter as­ sembly, an air separator assembly and a computer assembly. The machine will greatly benefit the students in their laboratory work. The Alpha Kappa Alpha fraternity of the College of Commerce feted last September 20 its sweetheart, Miss Rose Marie Aguas. The affair took place at the residence of Mr. Roberto Chong Osrneha. The Builders’ Fraternity of the Dept, of Architecture and Civil Engine­ ering held their annual induction and pinning ceremony at the La Suerte Ter­ race. A USC chapter of the WEVISAC has been formally organized with the fol­ lowing officers: Benny Agravante, pres­ ident; Juan G. Lopez, vice president; Pa­ tricia Mayol, secretary; Cecile Espinosa, treasurer; Guillermo Clemente, auditor; Ben Fabroz, Rey Quisido, pros; Zosimo Julom, Eddy Muyco, sgts.-at-arms. The WEVISAC is an association of the stu­ dents coming from the provinces of Neg­ ros Occidental, Capiz, Iloilo, Antique, Aklan and Romblon. The fourth and the fifth of a series of fortnightly lectures sponsored by the university featured Fr. Francis Oster who spoke on the basic principles of televi­ sion and Fr. Eugene Verstraelen who gave a talk on “Linguistics and Filipino Lan­ guages”. Tournament Results: CHESS: 1st place, Ernesto Dorola (Secretarial); 2nd place, Alberto Laborte (Law); 3rd place, Oscar Abuzo (Law). TABLE TENNIS: Men —1st place, Arturo Fernandez (Lib. Arts) ; 2nd place, A. Villamor, Jr. (Law) ; Women — 1st place, Pureza Trazo (Commerce); 2nd place, C. de la Cruz (Lib. Arts) ; VOLLEYBALL: Men — 1st place, Engineering; 2nd place, Law; Women — 1st place, Education; 2nd place, Secretarial and Commerce. The USC varsity football team play­ ed a one-to-one tie versus the U.S. Troubadours last mid-September at the Boys’ High School playgrounds. Peter Brujordet of the Troubadours dislocated his right leg in the game. The USC Legal Aid Bureau held another convocation at the air-condition­ ed audio-visual center late last Sept­ ember. Guest speakers were barristers Vicente G. Balbuena and Erasmo Diola who related their adventures and misad­ ventures while taking the bar. Elected officers of the newly-formed USC Registrar’s Office Employees’ As­ sociation were: President, Slzto LI. Abao, Jr.; Vice President, Juan G. Lopez; Sec­ retary, Marciano LI. Aparte, Jr.; Trea­ surer, Concepcion Pacana; Auditor, Ro­ dolfo Cordero; PRO, Romeo Lavin; Lia­ ison Officers, Roberto Baniel, Jr.; and Sesinlo Belocura; Adviser, Mr. Jose V. Arias; Moderator, Rev. Fr. Edgar T. Oehler. S.V.D. SECRETARY-GENERAL'S OFFICE PERSONNEL CHRISTMAS ISSUE, 1959 Page
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