Two Monthly Production Records in October


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Two Monthly Production Records in October
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 5) November 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE November 1938 SMAN Vol. III No. 5 MAGAZINE Two Monthly_ PtToduction Records in October New high monthly output records featured the October operations of the Marsman gold producers. San Mauricio, with a production of 'P440,168.51 from 9,332 tons of ore treated, was up 'P62,000 over the previous record established in September. United Paracale produced 'P227,362 to pass the mark set in July by a small margin. Total production from the four lode and two placer operations amounted to 'Pl,302,605.75 from the treatment of 58,143 tons of ore and the handling of 394,561 cubic yards of gravel. The total output was a gain of around 'P110,000 over the September figure. SAN l\lfAURICIO MINING COMPANY' San Mauricio produced P440,168.51 during October, from the treatment of 9,332 tons of _ore, .to set another new all-time monthly record, which was P62,000 higher than the previous record set in September. A v~rage recovery was P47.17 per ton, while extraction was 93.59%. Development footage totalled 1,358, of which 949 feet were capital and 409 feet operating development. Of the capital advance 327 feet were in ore, as were 204 feet of the operating advance. Ore values were much higher than average in the Tacoma Section. Tacoma No. 3 north drift on the 300 level was advanced 77 feet in good ore-. over a width of 18 inches. Tacoma No. 1, 1180 north drift was advanced . fW~·· feet over a width of 14 inches, also in ·"high values. Tacoma No. 3 drift on the 400 level showed an advance of 146 feet with high assays over a width of 58 inches. The 1600 north crosscut east on the 500 level was advanced- 22 feet'; it is being driven to cut the Tacoma section on this level: In the Santa Ana mine, the Santa Ana vein was cut on the 425 level. The north drift on the 425 level was advanced 9 feet in ore over a width of 66 inches. General stoping operations were normal during the month, with all stopes in good condition. The mine continues to be in good shape with plenty of ore available. _ A 500-gallon s9da ash regenerating unit was installed at the pQwer plant, for treating lubricating oil, and was put into operation. A steam unit was designed for this process, utilizing the waste heat from the engines, and i8 functioning satisfactorily . Operating expenditures for- October show ~a -considerable reduction compared with the previous month.