United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 5) November 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
UNITED PARA CALE MINING COMP ANY Another new all-time high monthly production record was made by the United Paracale Mining Company in October with a production of P227,362.79 from the treatment of 9,704 tons of ore. The previous record was P226,539, the output for July. Recovery for October was P23.43, and extraction was 90.85%. During the month 1,461 feet of work were completed. Of the 964 feet of capital advance 83 feet were in ore, as were 245 feet -of the 497 feet of operating advance. General development results were excellent, with better than average values showing. . On the Baluarte 400 level, 301 drift nl:>rth was advanced 70 feetJ along the vein 3.3 feet wide with high values. 201 drift south, Longos 200 level was advanced 43 feet in ore. At this point crosscuts were run to the west and east for distances of 16 feet and 33 feet respectively. The west crosscut reached the peridotite contact, and at this contact 3 feet of the vein showed high assays. Mill operations continued to be normal and satisfactory during the month. The monsoon ehanged to the northeast during the early part of the month, after which generally unsettled weather with numerous showers was experienced. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED l\lINING COMPANY Suyoc Consolidated produced P150,254.61 in October, from 6,627 tons of ore treated. Recovery per ton was P22.67, and extraction was 84.91 %. Development advance amounted to 1,589 feet, of which 994 feet were in capital and 595 feet in operating· development. Of the capital advance 105 feet were in ore. , No. 1 shaft was sunk 41 feet during the month, and seems to be reaching more favorable ground. Operations were resumed in 16154 drift after tempot"ary ·suspension to investigate the east and west walls, and 77 feet of advance were made in· this face on ore carrying good values over a width of 5.3 feet. Capital investments were maintained . at a minimum, the two major items being the purchase of a monorail electric -hoist for the Moore filters at the mill, and current underground equipment. Operating conditions in general continued to be normal. COCO GROVE, INC. The Coco Grove production for October, P95,102.50 from 345,740 cubic -yards dredged, was slightly in excess of the estimate based on. the low-grade ground being worked according to plan. Both dredges are now approachingground of a higher value, and an in.crease in production is expected accordingly. The dredger Mary . Angus handled 166,690- cubic yards of .grav~l from 2 which P48,138.33 was produced. The area dredged was 75,960 square feet, to an average depth of 59.3 feet. The dredger Anne Petronella recovered P46,964.17 from 179,050 cubic yards of -gravel handled. It dredged an area of 77 ,345 square feet to an a':erage, depth -of 62.5 feet. In general both dredges had s~ operation; weather was fair, during the month. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1938