

Part of The Cross

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48 THE CROS6 your weekly stipend in a day. We’re talking about parents who take all the starch out of you by trying to make your life one long feather bed. What can any of us do about these confused, well-meaning pa­ rents? We—and you—can encour­ age mother to be more kind to herself and not overly kind to you. You can startle dad by tell­ ing him that from now on you’ll fight your own battles, get out of your own scrapes. You can explain that, although you’re grateful for his help and gen­ erosity, you’d like to stretch your own muscles a bit. He and mother may be momentarily hurt (because the protector loves his role), but once they’re over the shock, they’ll be awfully proud of you. And you’ll be proud of yourself. “Catholic Digest” PRESENCE By Adoration C. Trinidad All paths lead to Thee. I walked the way of laughter Down to its shining end. I found Thy Face. I turned to trace a path of tears Across what keen wound-edge of grief To stop at last, transfixed. (Long, long ago You wept As only God can weep.) All songs fly to Thee. Once I loved a red rose so I sang its hue away, Only to find Thy Heart, Love-broken, Bleeding “red” for me! And in the lean blue realm of aloneness Where no tears flow, no laughters ring And songs die young, Before their moon-tipped wings begin to grow, Even here where loneliness is food I could not run away. I found That loneliness was You.
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