Heart to heart


Part of The Cross

Heart to heart
extracted text
32 THE CROSS Dear Miss Marlene, Is it proper for a girl to answer a friendly message of a new boy­ acquaintance? A young man whom I met at a friend's party seems to possess the qualities of my ideal man... He wrote me a friendly letter but I did not answer it thinking that it is improper to do so. Now he no longer writes me and I miss him. I can not enjoy parties when he is not around. Is 'this what you call love? Solitaire ' Answer: There is nothing wrong in answering a new boy-acquaintance's letter as long you maintain the reserve that is expected of a young lady. You hardly know him yet. Why not ask him to drop at your place instead of writing letters? You could discreetly tell him that in your letter. You will then be able to judge him better. Dear Miss Marlene, I am eighteen years of age. Since I was sixteen a spa?k of love has developed in the core of my being, a love that has for an object a co-ed of mine, a girl of beauty and brains, who also is on her teens. Later I got the occasion to sit beside her in our class. She then told me that we are too young to love. Instead she promised that she would open her heart to me two years later. But I retorted with a similitude saying that as we need to strenghten the budding plants in our fields lest they wither, so also we have to water and strengthen that natural feeling of man even from its very start in the fields of our heart, lest it bend to one side, insanity, or to the other, disgust. But she has not believed me and I am greatly puzzled. Fond Lover •Answer: And aren't you really still too young for those affairs? Regarding the “strengthening of the budding plants," there's nothing to strengthen as no DECEMBER, 1952 33 budding plant has cropped up yet. The girl has made that clear to you. Better wait for a couple of years more. Then she'll "open her heart" to you. Probably. Dear Miss Marlene, I have a friend with whom I fell in love, and after several months got engaged to him. He is at present studying at a university and writes me three times a month. He writes also to another girl friend of his twice a month, ond he told me not to let the green-eyed monster get into my heart. I really love him, but what is the correct way in which to avoid meeting and talking to him when he comes home for vacation? Greatly Puzzled. I suggest that you tell him "Pete, make up your mind!" It would not be green-eyed jealousy, but just plain common sense to tell thot fellow, "We're not engaged anymore; we're only friends until you prove yourself." Evidently he's just been a two-timer so far. Dear Miss Marlene, 1) Is it bad to have your picture taken when there are only three of you? What is the effect? 2) If the sacred Host sticks to the roof of the mouth after receiving Holy Communion is it a sign that we have committed many sins which are not forgiven? 3) Is it true that if you dream of somebody, he is thinking of you? 4) If you dream that you are in white is it true that you will remain a spinster or thot you will die soon? 5) Is it true that if you dream that you are taking a bath you will catch cold and be sick? 6 Is it true that all dreams come true? 7) Is it true that all first loves are bound to break up in the future? This wos told to me by an old woman. Answer: 1) A lot of pictures have been taken with three people in it. The effect: Three people in a nice picture. Nothing more. 2) Read your catechism on sin and the Holy Eucharist. 3) A lot of people hove dreamt of persons who were incapable of doing any thinking at the moment. 34 LlUKAliX THE CROSS 4) A friend of mine dreamt that she was in white. She now has a string of children and is reaching a ripe old age. 5) Maybe it is just the sub-conscious telling you that you need a bath badly. 6) If they did I should be a millionaire now. I dreamt I wan the sweepstakes every time there was one. 7) Some break up, some don't. The old woman is just warning you not to rely on first loves, until they are confirmed by a few months of observation of each other's character and habits. 6ear Miss Marlene, I am a girl of 19 and at present a third year high school student in a Catholic institution. For almost three years now, I have been engaged to a man who is at present second year in commerce in a local university in Manila. He is 24 years old, intelligent, good, and understanding. We both love each other. All my brothers, sisters and including my mother like him. But my father seems to disapprove of him because he is poorer than we are. So in order to please my father I broke my engagement with him. I even told him that I don't like to see him again, or rather not to meet me anymore. Finally, he happened to know the real cause of it. He told my friends that he still loves me as he knows that I do love him too. And now, our family is intending to transfer to a far place this coming summer vacation. If I will go with the family then, I will never see him anymore. I really love him. Is it right to go with him before that time comes, when our family will go to the said far place? Is he a. good life partner? Bonny Bones Answer: Don't desert your family for that reason. The man is still a student and not able to support you. You could request one of his confidential friends to ask him to correspond with you. You moy then get to know whether he is a good life partner or not. I can't teir it from your letter alone. Dear Miss Marlene, I am 20 years old. Two years ago I met a likeable young man who is a devout Catholic. We have now fallen in love with each other ond my family has no objection with him. Now this man has joined a newly formed praesidium of the Legion of Mary which is exclusively for men. I am also a legionary myself and we DECEMBER, 1952 35 sometimes meet in the church during our meetings and other legion gatherings. I am ashamed to let other legionaries know that we are in love with each other. Is it good to love a fellow legionary? Should I resign from the legion and stop seeing him? He joined the legion despite the fact that I told him that I would be ashamed should the other legionaries find out our relationships. B. B. A. There is nothing wrong with falling in love with a fellow legionary. Since he is now a member of the legion talk to him nicely ond tell him that you would prefer that he refroin from showing any signs of affection at gatherings and meetings. If he really cares for your feelings he will accede to your request. If he persists, an attitude of silence on your part will bring him back to his senses. Dear Miss Marlene, I am a young man of 19 and a second year college student. I fell in love with a kind ond very understanding girl with whom I later became engaged. Last year I attended a retreat held in our school. The retreat master spoke about saving souls and that our country needs more priests. I really desire to enter a religious order and my parents consented to this. But they do not know that I am engaged to a girl. What will I do now, tell my sweetheart of my plans or tell my parents of my engagement? I want really to save souls for Christ. You ‘have a noble motive for entering the religious life. Remember what Christ once said: "He who shall leave father and mother, brother and sister, friends and land for My name's- sake shall receive reward' a hundred fold"? That applies to sweethearts too. Dear Miss Marlene, I am a young lady of 18 and lost vacation a friend of my brother wrote me a friendly letter and he asked me to answer him. But a year has now passed and I have not answered him. Now I would like to be friendly with him. Should I write him a letter? The other year I was invited to a party by my auntie and was introduced to a handsome young man. He took me as his partner and he danced with me. At another party we met again but this time he did not dance with me. Last year I was chosen as a queen in Iloilo and he happened to be my consort. But after the fiesta we met at a dance but he did not take me 36 THE CROSS again os his partner. Is there something wrong with me? How can I show him that I would like to be friendly with him? Mary Ann Regarding your first question, better not answer him after such a long time has elapsed. You are liable to be embarrassed. If you care to meet him ask someone to introduce him tocyou at a gathering and there you may be able to explain why you failed to write, that is, if he mentions about the letter. Otherwise silence is golden. In your second question, something could be the matter with the man. He was your consort and as such he was etiquettely bound to dance with you. Better forget him. He is not worth it. Or is something the matter with you? Better find that out too. I can't from your letter. Dear Miss Marlene, I am planning to give religious articles to my boy-friend. But others have told me that it is a bad omen and will result in misunderstanding between couples. I would like to give my boy-friend a religious article for a Christmas gift as he is a devout Catholic. I am not superstitious, but when so many people tell me that I am prone to believe them. Sallie Answer: Certainly you are not silly enough to believe that, ore you? Let people alqpe to their own superstitions. Religious articles are a very appropriate gift for Christmos. How about trying to get one of the gifts offered by the CROSS Magazine? Just turn to the back cover. DEATH WAS A FRIEND The following descriptions, printed by the New York Times, details the remedies with which King Charles II was treated in his last illness by his physician. "A pint of blood wos extracted from his right orm, and a holf-pint from his left shoulder, followed by on emetic, two physics, and enema comprising 15 substances; the royol head wos then shoved and a blister raised; then o sneezing powder, more emetics and bleeding, soothing po­ tions, a plaster of pitch and pigeon dung on his feet, potions containing 10 different substances, chiefly herbs, finally 40 drops of extract of hu­ man skull, ond the application of bezoor stone; after which His Ma­ jesty died."
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